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Adoree cried, in a stricken voice. "How could you at this time?" "You said she wanted me. I couldn't take time " "Yes! She has been calling for you, but I'm sorry I found you." A silent-footed figure in a nurse's uniform emerged from the dining-room, and her first expression of relief at sight of Bob changed swiftly to a stare of startled wonderment.

But how could a woman like Adoree Demorest, "The King's Favorite," "The Woman with the Rubies," hope for wifehood or for motherhood? The bitterness of these reflections lay in the fact that Adoree knew herself to be pure. But the world considered her evil, and evil in its eyes she would remain. How could she hope to bring anything but misery to a husband or bequeath anything but shame to a child?

Adoree was shocked, incredulous; her eyes glittered with the fire of fanaticism; she no longer saw in this man an enemy, a vile creature branded with the mark of the beast, but a fellow- enthusiast a surprisingly ignorant one, to be sure, but an enthusiast for all that, and therefore bound to her by unbreakable bonds.

"As soon as I finish my theatrical contract," Adoree ran on, "we are going to drop quietly out of sight and stay out of sight." "Going to live abroad?" Bob inquired. "Worse!" Pope explained. "Long Island. We're going to raise ducks." "Ducks!" Adoree echoed, beatifically. "Hundreds and thousands of ducks! Little ducks and big ducks, fuzzy ones and smooth ones.

As for the car itself, Lorelei decided it to be a combination of every absurd tradition of the coach-builder's art. Across the doors, in gold letters an inch high, was the name "Adoree Demorest."

I wonder if you realize " "Oh yes," he nodded, slowly. "I don't get drunk all over, like most men. I'm afraid I'll never forget that cry." He was trembling, and his terror was so pitiful that Adoree laid a compassionate hand upon his shoulder. "Don't let go, Bob. Hold your thoughts steady and sober up. We must all help." "Tell me you know about these things tell me honestly "

"Why, I can't afford to buy YOU a wedding-gift you'll expect a diamond sunburst or a set of sea- otter. I didn't dress for dinner either; I suppose I should have worn the crown jools." "You're going to wear an apron and help me scorch the dinner," Lorelei laughed. "You COOKING, with a billionaire husband!" Adoree gasped. "Am I dreaming?

Simultaneously there came another discovery which completely upset all her calculations and to which she had not fully adjusted herself even up to the time of the critic's visit to Adoree. One great mystery she had solved; another, the deepest mystery of a woman's life, had begun to unfold, and as yet she could scarcely give it credence.

He was so far away, in his passionate dream-prayer, that he did not hear them coming until they opened the door; and then he looked up, his beautiful dark eyes all wet with tears which suddenly turned to joy when he saw his sister. "Chérisette adorée!" he cried, and was soon in her arms, soothed and comforted and caressed.

"You've helped to break my lease I'll be thrown out of this house sure." Pope stammered, guiltily, "I was playing for Bob and Lorelei." With one glove half off Adoree slowly seated herself, showing in her face an amazement that increased the man's embarrassment. "I knew it was a serious matter," he explained, "and, being terribly fond of Bob and Lorelei, I naturally wanted to do what I could."