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Dat red-haided, no-count gemman what's a-makin up to Miss Kate is gwineter git her fo' sho " It was here that St. George had raised his head, his heart in his mouth. "How do you know, Todd?" he asked in a serious tone. He had long since ceased correcting Todd for his oustpoken reflections on Kate's suitor as a useless expenditure of time.

"Whatever the weather may be," says he "Whatever the weather may be, It's the songs ye sing, an' the smiles ye wear, That's a-makin' the sun shine everywhere; An' the world of gloom is a world of glee, Wid the bird in the bush, an' the bud in the tree, An' the fruit on the stim of the bough," says he, "Whatever the weather may be," says he "Whatever the weather may be!

Mister Wes'cott," said Dave, growing red, "you're a-makin' a little too free." "Oh! the Shawnee chief shouldn' git mad. He! he! by George! wouldn' git mad fer ten thousand dollars. I wouldn', by George! you know! he! he! Ef I was worth ten thousand dollars live weight, bide and tallow throw'd in, I would "

"It is because of the lumber business -he wanted the tract of lumber to cut that the Barnaby Company got hold of," went on Jack Dalton. "How are you a-makin' it?" "Fine!" said Snap, and then he and his chums told of all the game that had been brought down -they having kept a record in a little book the leader of the gun club carried. "That's first-class, boys," said the guide. "Couldn't be better.

Lots of jest such ones have importuned me for food on my Jonesville door-step. Then he had two Hindoo fakirs that wuz real interestin'. The fur-off Indian city, the river, and the fakir a-layin' in the boat, tired out, I presoom, a-makin' folks stand up in the air, and climb up ladders into Nowhere, and eatin' swords, and eatin' fire, and etcetry. He wuz beat out, and no wonder.

"Must we fight you?" asked the woman. "Or will you come with us peaceably?" "We'll go peaceable," answered Cap'n Bill. "You're a-makin' a sad mistake, for we're as harmless as doves; but seein' as you're suspicious, we'd better have it out with your Queen first as last."

Then he reloaded and walked rapidly around the tree, still firing. "An' I reckon that's a-makin' some nail-holes fer his galluses!" And reloading again he ran around the tree, firing. "An' mebbe I couldn't still git him if I was hikin' fer the corner of a house an' was in a LEETLE grain of a hurry to git out o' HIS range."

And we found 'em plunged into trouble. Their only child, a girl, who had married a young lawyer of Loontown, had jest lost her husband with the typus, and they wuz a-makin' preparations for the funeral when we got there. She and her husband had come on a visit, and he wuz took down bed-sick there and died. I told 'em I felt like death to think I had descended down onto 'em at such a time.

Wall, Krit's business bid fair to keep him for some time in Jonesville and the vicinity, and as he see that Josiah Allen and I wuz a-makin' preperations to go to the World's Fair and bein' warmly pursuaded by us to that effect, he concluded to stay and accompany us thither. The idee wuz very agreeable to us.

The other men laughed, but the Red Fox looked meek and lowly. "I'm a servant of the Lord. He says do this, an' I does it the best I know how. I goes about a-preachin' the word in the wilderness an' a-healin' the sick with soothin' yarbs and sech." "An' a-makin' compacts with the devil," said old Judd shortly, "when the eye of man is a-lookin' t'other way."