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Officer 4434 beat his freezing hands together as he stood with his back to the snow-laden north-easter, which rattled the creaking signboards of East Twelfth Street, and covered, with its merciful shroud of wet flakes, the ash-barrels, dingy stoops, gaudy saloon porticos and other architectural beauties of the Avenue corner. Officer 4434 was on "fixed post."

Barton had told him of a number of new ideas in electrical appliances, and Burke was anxious to see what progress had been made since the old fellow returned to his home. Officer 4434 was also anxious to see another member of his family, and so it was with a curious little thrill of excitement, well concealed, however, with which he entered the modest apartment of the Bartons' that evening.

You're in a neighborhood which needs good precaution as well as good intentions. Good night." The magistrate rose, declaring a recess for one hour, and Officer 4434 left the court through the police entrance. As he turned the corner of the old Court building, he repeated to himself the question which had forced itself so strongly upon him: "Who is to blame? Who has to pay? The men or the women?"

I never saw him before that, to my recollection." "What do you know about this man, Officer 4434?" asked the captain. Clemm fumbled with his handcuffs, looking down in a sheepish way to avoid the malevolent looks of Trubus. "He is known as John Clemm, although we have found a police record of him under a dozen different aliases.

The woman sped away obediently, as Officer 4434 closed in again upon his prisoner. The gangster covered the retreat of the woman by grappling the policeman with arms and legs. The two fell to the pavement, and writhed in their struggle on the snow. Jimmie, like many of the gang men, was a local pugilist of no mean ability.

Burke, in a daze of thoughts, pulled himself together, and then took the arm of Jimmie the Monk, who advanced with manner docile and obsequious. He was not a stranger to the path to the rail. Another officer led Annie forward. Burke took the chair. "Don't waste my time," snapped the magistrate. "What's this? Another fight?" Officer 4434 explained the situation.

The "professor," at the piano, used to such scenes, lulled the nerves of the company with a rag-time variation of "Oh, You Beautiful Doll," and Burke, the sergeant and Annie went out into the night. The girl was taken to the station. The lieutenant looked questioningly at Officer 4434. "Want to put her down for assault?" he asked. Burke looked at the unhappy creature.

"It will explain itself, Captain," answered 4434. "Let's fix these records in the regular way, and then we will run them in order." They did so in absolute silence. The Captain listened, first in bewilderment, then in great excitement. "Great snakes! Where did you get those? That is a conversation between a bunch of traffickers.

"You can't get back to Joe any too quickly," advised Mary, and Henrietta wiped her eyes. She had received a homeopathic cure of the city madness in one brief treatment! It was not a quiet evening for Officer 4434. When he emerged from the Subway at Fourteenth Street a newsboy approached him with a bundle of papers. "Uxtry! Uxtry!" shouted the youngster.

Maguire, who had just come on to relieve 4434, lived up to his duty most practically by catching the leg of the battling Jimmie, and giving it a wrestling twist which threw the tough with a thud on the pavement, clear of his antagonist. 4434 rose to his feet stiffly, as his rescuers dragged Jimmie to a standing position.