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Le jubile approche, et vous n'avez ni provisions, ni vivres; les etrangers...trouvent votre ville denue de tout. It is set forth as the third ordinance: "Che nulla case di Roma sia data per terra per alcuna cagione, ma vada in commune;" which simply means, that the houses of delinquents should in no instance be razed, but added to the community or confiscated.

Several nights later I was sitting at a roulette table in Monte Carlo's Cercle des Etrangers. I had fallen in with a coterie of chance acquaintances, who for some reason held faith in my luck and insisted upon my crowding into a vacant place at the wheel.

Each side street that we came to was a little river, which had to be crossed, or rather forded, after paddling through the mud in the main thoroughfare. Our first visit was to the post-office 'no letters' then to the British Consulate 'no letters' and finally to the Legation, but there was nobody at home there; so we set off for the Hôtel des Etrangers, to breakfast.

Great was the emotion in the council; and one of its members, D'Anthonay, lieutenant-colonel of the battalion of Volontaires Étrangers, was sent to propose less rigorous terms. Amherst would not speak with him; and jointly with Boscawen despatched this note to the Governor:

On the night of his election he went to Lord Saxingham's; but what there happened deserves another chapter. "Je connois des princes du sang, des princes etrangers, des grands seigneurs, des ministres d'etat, des magistrats, et des philosophes qui fileroient pour l'amour de vous. En pouvez-vous demander davantage?"* /Lettres de Madame de Sevigne/

«Dans le haut des vallées entourées de hautes montagnes, on ne voit point de cailloux roulées, qui soient étrangers

Here is "Marmorne" as an example, published in America, in England, in France, both in Hachette's "Bibliotheque des meilleurs Romans Etrangers," and as a feuilleton in the "Temps," also in the Tauchnitz collection, unanimously well received by the press; said to be "le roman de l'annee" by the "Revue des Deux Mondes," and still bringing considerably less than L200 to the author's purse.

I opened the Galignani's paper of the day, to direct me in my search, and had scarcely read a few lines before a paragraph caught my eye, which not a little amused me; it was headed Serious riot at the Salon des Etrangers, and attempt to rob the Bank:

«En effet si l'on considère les montagnes et les collines qui par leurs couches et les corps étrangers qu'elles renferment, montrent sans équivoque qu'elles sont l'ouvrage des eaux, on les trouvera le plus souvent rangées sans ordre. Quelquefois elles ne paroissent que des monceaux posés ç

Du Bellay himself translated two books of the Aeneid, and other poetry, old and new, and there were some who thought that the translation of the classical literature was the true means of ennobling the French language: strangers are ever favourites with us nous favorisons toujours les etrangers. Du Bellay moderates their expectations.