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The breeze was, after all, merely the gentlest of zephyrs, only just sufficient to give a ship steerage-way; but, very fortunately for us, the boats were provided, by a whim of poor Austin's, with a suit each of enormous lateen sails made of light duck, with yards of such a length that they had to be jointed in the middle to enable them to be stowed in the boats; they were just the thing for light airs, and under their persuasive influence we were soon gliding smoothly through the scarcely ruffled water quite as fast as the men could have propelled us with the oars.

Many had preferred to suffer in silence rather than seem to give life and consistency to a charge by their efforts to repel it. We have a saying in Montalluyah that to attack beauty and goodness is to attack Heaven itself, from whose attributes they are derived. Raskutshi. Supposed to be the king of the air, and ruler of all the zephyrs and spirits of the region.

Barney Bill, who liked air and for whom the raw November night was filled apparently with balmy zephyrs, clambered in his crablike way next the driver. They started. "What induced you to come to-night?" Paul asked. "We saw the announcement in the newspapers," replied Jane. "Barney Bill said the Mr. Paul Savelli could, be no one else but you. I said it couldn't." "Why?" he asked sharply.

The natural fire and haughtiness of his eye were carefully subdued, and he seemed, at least to a superficial view, the very model of good-nature and disinterested complaisance. His bright and flowing hair parted on his brow, and formed into a thousand ringlets, waved to the zephyrs as he passed along.

She started toward the town with a movement somewhat like that of a tall thin lily stalk swayed by zephyrs with a lilt, a cadence, an ever changing rhythm of joy: plain walking on the solid earth was not for her.

"So I do, under ordinary circumstances," replied the baronet, rather nettled at the implied censure. "It was a very savage storm," added Shuffles. "I never saw anything like it, even in the Channel," said Feodora. "But you seemed to handle the boat just as easily as though the wind came only in zephyrs."

Vegetable and terrestrial harmonies, aërial, aquatic, human, fraternal, and even conjugal every one of them is here dealt with, not omitting the invocations to Venus, to the Zephyrs, and to the Loves. They exhibited astonishment at fishes having fins, birds wings, seeds an envelope; full of that philosophy which discovers virtuous intentions in Nature, and regards her as a kind of St.

A feminine presence in the ward always created a flutter, but the previous flutters were mere zephyrs compassed to the cyclone produced by the new ward visitor. Some one started the phonograph, and Michaelis, who had been swearing all day that he would never be able to walk again, actually began to dance.

When the carriage was closed, and the wind shut out, the palsy played among the artificial roses again like an almshouse-full of superannuated zephyrs; and altogether Mrs Skewton had enough to do, and got on but indifferently. 'What do you mean? asked Edith. 'Well, Ma'am, replied the frightened maid, 'I hardly know. She's making faces! Edith hurried with her to her mother's room.

And then he danced, and capered, and fidgeted, and pulled up his pantaloons, and hugged his intolerable flannel vestment closer about his poetic loins; anon he gave it loose to the zephyrs which plentifully insinuate their tiny bodies through every crevice, door, window, or wainscot, expressly formed for the exclusion of such impertinents.