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"Where's Hans?" gasped Larry, the first one to discover that there was only one occupant. With a broad grin suffusing his face, the driver cried: "Whoa!" As the horses stopped Mr. Wilder, fearing that the boy had been made the butt of some mad prank, said severely: "If anything happened to that lad, I shall hold you responsible, Ned. Where is he?" "Gone with his brother Chris."

Throw out your left arm a little more. Whoa Enough is plenty. Now, Gay, you take Jean's gun and hold it down by your side, where her hand dropped right after she fired. You stand right about here, where her tracks are. Get INTO her tracks! We're picking up the scene right where Gil fell. She looked straight into the camera and spoiled the rest, or I'd let it go in.

And we've ridden Betty, lots of times, when we were children, and she's just as gentle now. Whoa, Betty, good cow." It was very hard work to get Hannah on to the broad back of her novel steed, but it was finally accomplished. Betty had been a perfect pet from a calf, and was exceedingly gentle.

When Phonny got pretty near to the horse, he began to walk up slowly towards him, putting out his hand as if to take hold of the bridle and saying, "Whoa Dobbin, whoa." The horse raised his head a little from the grass, shook it very expressively at Phonny, walked on a few steps, and then began to feed upon the grass as before.

And, as he spoke the "off" horse suddenly slipped and fell, and, plunging to its feet again, a leg slid over the cutter's tongue. "Whoa, now! whoa!" barked Slavin, with an oath, as the mettled, high-strung animal began to kick affrightedly. Slipping again it sank down in the snow and remained still for some tense moments.

The sagging shingle roof sloped abruptly; there were four little windows downstairs and two smaller upstairs. The door was in the center of the house; a weedy path led from its crooked step, between two patches of weedy grass, to the gate in the fence. "Whoa!" shouted Jeb, with the double purpose of stopping the mare and informing the house of his arrival.

You got to have a reason fer everything on earth?" His tone became more truculent. "First place, 'f I didn't have no other reason, I kin lick ary man on earth that walks." "Friend," said Franklin, "get down off that horse, and I'll give you a little wrestle to see who rides. What's your name, anyhow?" "Whoa!" said the other. "Name's Curly."

On the return, the boy stopped impetuously by the road and jumping down from the seat walked to the horse he had beaten. The horse quivered and shied toward its mate. The boy stroked its neck. "Whoa, Jim! Whoa, boy!" he repeated. He hesitated a moment, then went across the road to the meadow and picked an armful of young tufts of clover. He fed it to the horses, a handful at a time.

But you can't tell nowadays; boys is so all-fired high toned, and want to play big fiddle." "Some boys are, but not all of them." "Some of them. Now there's our landlord, who is in the house now, he's got a son as extravagant as can be, and if it wasn't for Mr. Woodward keeping him in funds I don't know what that boy might not do. He whoa, there, Billy, whoa!"

With a little vocal training any ordinary horse, when going fast, will pull up more promptly and with greater ease to his mouth and hocks, by a pleasantly uttered "whoa," than by the action of hands and reins.