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Saunders breathed on his buckle and polished it with the tail of his coat, after which he rubbed it on his knee. Then he held it up critically in a better light. Still it did not please him, so he breathed on it once more. "'Deed, an' wha could expect it? It's no in youth to think o' thae things no till it's ower late.

But I was doun at the Trinlay-knowe, as I was saying, about a wee bit business o' my ain wi' Mattie Simpson, that wants a forpit or twa o' peers that will never be missed in the Ha'-house and when we were at the thrangest o' our bargain, wha suld come in but Pate Macready the travelling merchant?" "Pedlar, I suppose you mean?"

"Wha de hookum line?" he said. "Yes, you can't catch fish like that." Scratching the head when puzzled must be a natural act common to all peoples, for the boy gave his woolly sconce a good scratch with first one hand and then the other. "Dat berry 'tupid," he said at last; "Pomp no 'tink of dat. What we do now?" I stood musing for a few minutes as puzzled as he was.

You must stay and wait upon her." "Ha!" was the quick response of the black, with a significant smirk upon his lip, and with a cunning emphasis; "enty I see; wha' for I hab eye ef I no see wid em? I 'speck young misses hab no 'jection for go too eh, Mass Ra'ph! all you hab for do is for ax em!"

'Aweel, aweel, gudeman, said Mac-Guffog, 'a wilfu' man maun hae his way; but if I am challenged for it by the justices, I ken wha sall bear the wyte, and, having sealed this observation with a deep oath or two, he retired to bed, after carefully securing all the doors of the bridewell. The bell from the town steeple tolled nine just as the ceremony was concluded.

"I dinna ken, sir," was all the poor girl could utter; and, indeed, it is the phrase which rises most readily to the lips of any person in her rank, as the readiest reply to any embarrassing question. "But," said Sharpitlaw, "ye ken wha it was ye were speaking wi', my leddy, on the hill side, and midnight sae near; ye surely ken that, my bonny woman?"

Come, man Time flies; let us wet his wings, and keep him fluttering a while over our heads. "'With an O and an I, Now are we furder found, Drink thou to me, and I to thee, And let the cup go round." "But wha, in the Devil's name, are ye?" now said Rob Paterson, after many an ineffectual effort to put the question.

"Wha are these Promoters?" asked the factor. "They are a Fife family." "Wasna that handsome young minister her brother?" "He was that." "He seems to hae set his heart on the heiress o' Drumloch." "Captain Manners has the same notion." "The minister will win." "The minister will not win. Not he!" The words were so emphatically snapped out that they were followed by a distinct silence.

"'That's yours, Jamie, she said; 'it was ill-dune o' me to tak it, but I couldna help it. "Jamie put oot his hand, an' syne he drew't back. 'It's no a thing o' nae consequence, mother, he said. "'Wha is she, Jamie? my mother said. "He turned awa his heid so she telt me. 'It's a lassie in London, he said, 'I dinna ken her muckle.

"No; one of us must stand watch while the other sleeps. We have been getting along so finely, that we have almost forgot that we are in danger." "Possifus!" gasped Cyd. "Wha wha what you want to keep watch fur?" "Suppose any one should come upon us while we are asleep?" added Dan. "'Pose any one come 'pon us when we're awake: what den? Who's a gwine to help hisself?" yawned Cyd. "I am, for one.