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Nathaniel looked at him horrified. "Why, no!" he cried indignantly. "Then do you think your God less merciful than you?" Nathaniel stared long into the steady eyes. "Oh, do you mean it is not true?" He leaned close in an agony of hope. "Sometimes I have thought it could not be true!" The old soldier struck him on the shoulder inspiritingly, his weather-beaten face very grave.

That afternoon, once more in the depot-wagon, which had been refitted with its fourth wheel, Thankful, on her way to the Wellmouth railway station, passed her "property." The old house, its weather-beaten shingles a cold gray in the half-light of the mist-shrouded, sinking sun, looked lonely and deserted.

It was an old weather-beaten house, of one story, about half a mile distant from 'Squire Newcome's residence. The Prescott family had lived here for five years, or ever since they had removed to Wrenville. Until within a year they had lived comfortably, when two blows came in quick succession. The first was the death of Mrs.

"Out of these," he wrote, "is shaped us the true Idea of a Witch, an old weather-beaten Croane, having her chinne and her knees meeting for age, walking like a bow leaning on a shaft, hollow-eyed, untoothed, furrowed on her face, having her lips trembling with the palsie, going mumbling in the streetes, one that hath forgotten her pater noster, and hath yet a shrewd tongue in her head, to call a drab, a drab.

They don't run away from home, my dear." "No," said Miss Bessie, quietly. Captain Hagberd, amongst the mounds of turned-up earth, chuckled. With his maritime rig, his weather-beaten face, his beard of Father Neptune, he resembled a deposed sea-god who had exchanged the trident for the spade. "And he must look upon you as already provided for, in a manner. That's the best of it with the girls.

Eurylochus, meanwhile, had stepped behind a pillar. In the short moment while the folding-doors opened and closed again, he caught a glimpse of a very beautiful woman rising from the loom and coming to meet the poor weather-beaten wanderers, with a hospitable smile and her hand stretched out in welcome.

In the trainmaster's room of the weather-beaten headquarters building, nicknamed by railroad men "The Wickiup," early comers sleepy-faced, keen-eyed trainmen lounged on the tables and in chairs discussing the reports from Point of Rocks, and among them crew-callers and messengers moved in and out.

The bronzed and weather-beaten faces of both riders bespoke an open-air life, and suggested those who go down upon the great deep in ships, a suggestion further borne out by the faded, worn naval uniforms they wore.

A milder light came into his keen, hawk-like eye, and a benignant smile illuminated his gray weather-beaten features, as he surveyed and marked the ingenuous and artless beauty of her whole form and face; and he whispered into the tribune’s ear something that made him too turn back, and wave his hand to Paul, and laugh merrily.

"What beats me is, if those are Red Bill's men what are they doing in this direction?" said Wandering William, a puzzled look creeping over his weather-beaten countenance. "Perhaps they have seen that the aeroplane is stranded and are coming to destroy it," hazarded Peggy. "Maybe," rejoined Wandering William in a far-away voice. His eyes and mind were bent on the approaching cavalcade.