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The tinker, now in full view, sat on a log near a tripod, beneath which crackled a bright fire, burning under a black pot. The leaping flames revealed a shrewd, weather-beaten face which turned sharply towards the bushes as the visitors appeared; they also lighted up the tinker's cart in the background, the browsing pony close by, the implements of the tinner's trade strewn around on the grass.

The fragile harebells hanging their blue heads from the crevices of the rocks; the brilliant columbines swaying to and fro on their tall stalks; the patches of gleaming sand in shallow places beckoning little bare feet to come and tread them; the glint of silver minnows darting hither and thither in some still pool; the tempestuous journey of some weather-beaten log, fighting its way downstream; here is life in abundance, luring the child to share its risks and its joys.

"Passon be gone away hisself," he said, a little smile creeping among the kindly wrinkles of his brown weather-beaten face "He baint comin' back till Sunday." "Gone away?" Maryllia was quite unconscious of the vibration of pain in her voice as she asked the question, as she was equally of the startled sorrow in her pretty eyes.

There are houses, streets and everything that is necessary." After many similar conversations the boy no longer stared so often into the distance with the interrogative look of his black eyes. The crew of the steamer loved him, and he, too, loved those fine, sun-burnt and weather-beaten fellows, who laughingly played with him.

Being addressed, he glanced up, but with what seemed a furtive, diffident air, which sat strangely enough on his weather-beaten visage, much as if a grizzly bear, instead of growling and biting, should simper and cast sheep's eyes.

"I don't really see," says he, and pauses, and looks at my weather-beaten cap and tramping boots "I don't really see " Inability is a guiding sign of the administration. I went to the Allied Passport Bureau, British Section, where a tippable man was keeping a queue of all the rabble of the East, and I was to come tomorrow morning.

Ah, there are the men, as a stolid sergeant thrust his weather-beaten face in at the door. Rallywood gave the necessary orders rapidly, then turned to the Major. 'Are you badly hurt? Do you think you can ride? said he. 'Ride! of course I can ride. How far is it to Révonde? Rallywood put his arm round him, and helped him very tenderly from the carriage.

Some even prayed with their mouths thrust into the gaps, where the weather-beaten stones were worn away at the joints. * The congregation at the Wailing Place is one of the most solemn gatherings left to the Jewish Church, and, as the writer gazed at the motley concourse, he experienced a feeling of sorrow that the remnants of the chosen race should be heartlessly thrust outside the sacred inclosure of their fathers' holy temple by men of an alien race and an alien creed."

Lewis exclaimed; "has she never known anything but this?" His shocked tone did not disturb the old man. "Want to see my herb-house?" he said. "Guess you'll find some of the sisters in the sorting-room. I'm Nathan Dale," he added, courteously. They had come to the open door of a great, weather-beaten building, from whose open windows an aromatic breath wandered out into the summer air.

At the market town, where the auctioneer's hammer goes tap tap over bullocks and sheep, crowds of men gather together, farmers, and bailiffs, and shepherds, drovers and labourers and their clothes are different, but there are the same old weather-beaten faces.