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I stept steadily on tiptoe along the coping-stone for I wished to surprise her but on getting to the opening of the arbour, a sight met my eyes that made me lose my balance all of a sudden; and with a start of rage and indignation, I stept backward into the pond, and was forced to battle among the water-lilies for my life.

"As for thy drink I need not tell thee, it must be the infusion of Vervain and the herb Hanea, of which Aelian relates such effects; but if thy stomach palls with it discontinue it from time to time, taking cucumbers, melons, purslane, water-lilies, woodbine, and lettuce, in the stead of them. "There is nothing further for thee, which occurs to me at present

He repeated them even lower than before; but this time they caught what he was saying. "Where are the water-lilies? Where are the lilies in her hair?" Mr Davis drew Ruth away. "He is still rambling," said he, "but the fever has left him." The grey dawn was now filling the room with its cold light; was it that made Ruth's cheek so deadly pale?

Here and there the stream would be dammed up into a lake covered with tiny islands, and filled with forget-me-nots and water-lilies and pretty yellow irises, and at the next turn of the path the visitor would be delighted by a beautiful statue half hidden by a grove of trees.

Not far off is the bamboo garden, in a flourishing condition, with large clumps of feathery bamboos bravely enduring our rough climate; in another part is a succession of terraces, through which a stream runs downhill through a number of basins linked by a circling channel; the basins are covered with water-lilies, and the whole is laid out in imitation of a Japanese garden.

I saw the far hills in Portuguese territory, a hundred miles away, lifting up thin blue fingers into the sky. The wind blew light and fresh, and the place was fragrant with a thousand delicate scents. Then I descended to the vale, and followed the stream up through the garden. Poinsettias and oleanders were blazing in coverts, and there was a paradise of tinted water-lilies in the slacker reaches.

Hutchins at once said she did not care a rap for water-lilies; but, seeing a determined glint in Tish's eye, she added that she would go for frogs if Tish wanted her out of the way. "Don't talk like a child!" Tish retorted. "Who said I wanted you out of the way?" It is absolutely true that the moment Hutchins put her foot into the canoe the red-haired man put down his fishing-rod and rose.

"He could not tell us much of the place, for he cannot endure Master Priggins, and Master Sylvester laughs at his Puritanical manner; but he says O Edmund that the fish-ponds are filled up those dear old fish-ponds where the water-lilies used to blow, and you once pulled me out of the water." "Ay, ay! we shall not know it again if ever our turn comes, and we enjoy our own again.

Purr saying, with her mouth up to your ear?" asked Daisy, who firmly believed that Aunt Wee knew every thing. "She tells me that when she went on a grasshopper hunt the other day, as she ran through the meadow, she saw some lovely creatures all in blue, with gauze wings, flying about over the river, and sitting in the water-lilies. She thinks they may be fairies, and advises us to go and look."

Why, sometimes, out in the hills, in the torrid quiet of summer noons, she had knelt by the shaded pools, and buried her hands in the great slumberous beds of water-lilies, her blood curdling in a feverish languor, a passioned trance, from which she roused herself, weak and tired. She had no self-poised artist sense, this Lois, knew nothing of Nature's laws.