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It will be nice to be near the Danforths; I get on with them so well." "They are always talking about you," rejoined Arnold, with perfect truth. When he was gone, the two widows sat in silence for a little while. The elder knitted diligently; the younger toyed with her feathery fan. "What do you think of him, Olivia?" Mrs. Verdon asked at last. There was a faint ring of impatience in her tone.

"They belong to my old home. It is a great pleasure to see the rector when he comes to town." Mrs. Verdon regarded the speaker quietly, with the practised glance of a woman of the world; and she listened to the refined voice and accent with critical ears. It would be safe, she decided, to notice this stranger.

De Verdon, his competitor for West-Meath, naturally entered into alliance with the Kildare Geraldine, and in the year 1294, after many lesser conflicts, they took the Red Earl and his brother William prisoners, and carried them in fetters to the Castle of Lea, in Offally.

Verdon, who had recovered her courage, and was easily persuaded to re-enter her carriage. The horses had never bolted before; the coachman was not likely to fail in vigilance again; there was really no danger in taking the homeward drive. But she was a little nervous still, and it would be so very kind if Mr. Wayne would accompany her. He was quite willing to accompany her.

Many a morning was spent in arranging and rearranging cabinets and mantels, and trying the effect of new draperies; and Mrs. Tell enjoyed anything that made the time pass tranquilly away. The carriage stopped at the door in Portman Square. Sleepy Jamie went toiling up the wide staircase in the dusk, and Mrs. Verdon slowly followed.

Judged by the other armaments of that period, from the fact that the Normans of Meath, under Sir Miles de Verdon and Sir Richard Tuit, were in his ranks, and that he then held the rank of Commander-in-Chief of all the English forces in Ireland, it is incredible that de Bermingham should have crossed the Boyne with less than eight or ten thousand men.

Nazaire, at the mouth of the Loire. We had intended to make a long day of it on Friday and come fight here, but as I told you it came on to blow a bit off the Coubre, and we could only make the mouth of the river. We put into a little place called Le Verdon, just inside the Pointe de Grave that's the end of that fork of land on the southern side of the Gironde estuary.

How little we realised what was in store for us when we started this morning! But I shall sleep soundly to-night, knowing that Jamie is safe." "It is a splendid thing for the boy," Elsie remarked. "What a beautiful child he is!" "Yes; his beauty attracted Mrs. Verdon at first; but I think she loves him for his own sake. She is a charming lady, Miss Kilner."

I was staying with your cousins the Danforths. I am Mrs. Verdon." "I'm delighted to meet you at last," he said cordially. "Mary and Lily were always talking about you. Isn't all this extraordinary? There never was anything like it in a three-volume novel!" Then they both laughed with a comfortable air of old acquaintanceship, and Elsie suddenly had a sense of being left out in the cold.

Arnold, entering with the other men, detected Elsie sitting in the shade of a lace curtain and looking out into the golden moonlight. He was at her side in a moment. Francis Ryan, who had searched for her in a wrong direction, saw that he had lost his chance, and went over to talk to Mrs. Verdon. "Come out and see how the streams glisten in the moonlight," said Arnold in a quiet voice.