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"We're all dying," ses the doctor, "only some of us'll go sooner than others." "Will he last the day, sir?" ses Ginger. The doctor looked at Sam agin, and Sam held 'is breath while 'e waited for him to answer. "Yes," ses the doctor at last, "if he does just wot I tell him and takes the medicine I send 'im."

An' the old chap.... Yes and there's one or two other things yes I reckon us'll stop on 'ere a bit." And Dickie was very glad. For now he was near Arden Castle, and could see it any time that he chose to walk a couple of hundred yards and look down. And presently he would see Edred and Elfrida. Would they know him? That was the question.

And if you won't help us, us'll run away alone, as soon as ever sister's foot's better. Us must, Tim." He had raised his voice in his excitement, so that Tim glanced anxiously in the direction of the fire.

In fact, she knew, as we all do, that you can't do yourself justice after you've been knocked all ends up by a thunderbolt. But she kept her nerve and her wits and looked at him and shut her mouth and put up her work in her workbasket. "Good night, father," she said. "Us'll talk about it to-morrow, if you please." Then she rose up and went straight to her chamber.

"Well, please God, the pair of us'll knock out a spell yet!" responded Mrs. Twomey, cheerfully; "for as little as I am, the fly itself wouldn't like to die!" John Brien did not question this assertion. "The 'fluenzy is very raging these times," he remarked. "'Tis a nassty, dirty disease altogether, God help us!" said Mrs. Twomey, with feeling. "It is, and very numerous," replied John Brien.

The farm-land looks a bit foul, along o' being let go to rack, but us'll soon have that clean again, an' some gude stuff into it, tu. My awn work'll be staring me in the faace before summer; an' by the time Phoebe do come to be mistress, nobody'll knaw Newtake, I promise 'e." Venwell rights = Venville rights. Mrs.

While the others talked he had been silent and very grave. "Some of us'll be left," he said. "But it'll take us all our time." Anthony looked thoughtfully at Nicholas. A sudden wave of realization beat up against his consciousness and receded. "Well," he said, "we shall know at midnight." An immense restlessness came over them.

"Maybe one of us'll get a better job." "You could, I'm sure, if you had the clothes," said Etta. "But not in those rags." "If I had the clothes? Where?" "At Shillito's or one of the other department stores. They'd give us both places in one of the men's departments. They like pretty girls for those places if they're not giddy and don't waste time flirting but use flirtation to sell goods.

This was ower true, and Sandie was a wee thing set ajee. "Aweel, Edie," says he, "and what would be your way of it?" "Ou, just this," says grandfaither. "Let me that has the fastest boat gang back to North Berwick, and let you bide here and keep an eye on Thon. If I cannae find Lapraik, I'll join ye and the twa of us'll have a crack wi' him.

Us'll find 'em, if us has to break our fine new bowsprit so close as Crump's bull's horn!" "Good egg!" quoth Moorshed, and brought his hand down on the wide shoulders with the smack of a beaver's tail. "Us'll go look for they by hand. Us'll give they something to play upon; an' do 'ee deal with them faithfully, an' may the Lard have mercy on your sowls! Amen. Put I in dinghy again."