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'This is not the place to preach the theory of direct inspiration, said the Nilghai, returning Torpenhow's large and workmanlike bellows to their nail on the wall. 'We believe in cobblers' wax. La! where you sit down. 'If you weren't so big and fat, said Dick, looking round for a weapon, 'I'd 'No skylarking in my rooms. You two smashed half my furniture last time you threw the cushions about.

'Your things smell of tobacco and blood, she said once. 'Can't you do anything except soldiers? 'I could do a head of you that would startle you, thought Dick, this was before the red-haired girl had brought him under the guillotine, but he only said, 'I am very sorry, and harrowed Torpenhow's soul that evening with blasphemies against Art.

One never knows where they stop. One evening, after a sitting prolonged to the last limit of the light, Dick was roused from a nap by a broken voice in Torpenhow's room. He jumped to his feet. 'Now what ought I to do? It looks foolish to go in. Oh, bless you, Binkie! The little terrier thrust Torpenhow's door open with his nose and came out to take possession of Dick's chair.

I'll stay quiet here. 'And meditate? I don't blame you. You observe a good time if ever a man did. That night there was a tumult on the stairs. The correspondents poured in from theatre, dinner, and music-hall to Torpenhow's room that they might discuss their plan of campaign in the event of military operations becoming a certainty.

At this point the conference broke up in disorder, because Dick would not open his mouth till the Nilghai held his nose fast, and there was some trouble in forcing the nozzle of the bellows between his teeth; and even when it was there he weakly tried to puff against the force of the blast, and his cheeks blew up with a great explosion; and the enemy becoming helpless with laughter he so beat them over the head with a soft sofa cushion that that became unsewn and distributed its feathers, and Binkie, interfering in Torpenhow's interests, was bundled into the half-empty bag and advised to scratch his way out, which he did after a while, travelling rapidly up and down the floor in the shape of an agitated green haggis, and when he came out looking for satisfaction, the three pillars of his world were picking feathers out of their hair.

The lark will make her hymn to God, The partridge call her brood, While I forget the heath I trod, The fields wherein I stood. 'Tis dule to know not night from morn, But deeper dule to know I can but hear the hunter's horn That once I used to blow. The Only Son. IT WAS the third day after Torpenhow's return, and his heart was heavy.

'I must think. 'Think! I should go back to London and see him and I should kiss his eyes and kiss them and kiss them until they got well again! If you don't go I shall. Oh, what am I talking about? You wicked little idiot! Go to him at once. Go! Torpenhow's neck was blistering, but he preserved a smile of infinite patience as Maisie's appeared bareheaded in the sunshine.

Then he would grip Torpenhow's hand again Torpenhow, who was alive and strong, and lived in the midst of the action that had once made the reputation of a man called Dick Heldar: not in the least to be confused with the blind, bewildered vagabond who seemed to answer to the same name. Yes, he would find Torpenhow, and come as near to the old life as might be.

He returned to streets by the Docks, and lodged himself in one room, where the sheets on the bed were almost audibly marked in case of theft, and where nobody seemed to go to bed at all. When his clothes arrived he sought the Central Southern Syndicate for Torpenhow's address, and got it, with the intimation that there was still some money waiting for him.

He lit the gas, and Dick heard the flame catch. The grip of his fingers on Torpenhow's shoulder made Torpenhow wince. 'Don't leave me. You wouldn't leave me alone now, would you? I can't see. D'you understand? It's black, quite black, and I feel as if I was falling through it all. 'Steady does it. Torpenhow put his arm round Dick and began to rock him gently to and fro. 'That's good.