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Camp was pitched well clear of the forest and a large fire kindled; and the savage night-prowlers drew forth from the woodland shadows. The men proceeded silently with their various tasks. Ralph prepared their own food, and soon a savoury odour tickled the nostrils of those beyond the circle of the firelight.

Yollop: I know a girl that would be tickled to death to have these things to splash around in. She's a peach of a say, I believe I'll use your telephone again. I'll call her up and see how she feels about it. If she says she'd like to have 'em, I'll make my getaway before the cops " "You will find the telephone directory hanging on the end of the desk, Cassius," said Mr. Yollop graciously.

He was an honest man, too, or as honest as is practicable for a man in business. Dwyer was tickled to see Casey again. Casey was a good fellow, and he never needed his memory jogged when he owed a man. He paid before he was asked to pay, and that was enough to make any merchant love him. He watched Casey unpin his vest pocket and remove the check, and he was not too eager to inspect it. "Good?

His ears awakened; the atmosphere was full of murmurs, the sands hummed, even the sun's rays had a sound of their own a kind of faint Aeolian harp. Subtle, puzzling perfumes assailed his nostrils. His palate lingered over the memory of the gnawl water. All the pores of his skin were tickled and soothed by hitherto unperceived currents of air.

He has often made them laugh when he was thousands of miles away. Surely now it is but natural that they ought to be tickled to death at the idea of having him present." The Bostonians were proud to claim him as a compatriot through his mother, and a nautical drama from his pen The Ocean Wolf, or the Channel Outlaw was performed at New York with acclamation.

Margarita softened the theme with a verse: 'And tho' to sting his enemy, Is sweetness to the angry bee, The angry bee must busy be, Ere sweet of sweetness hiveth he. The arch thrill of his daughter's voice tickled Gottlieb. 'That's it, birdie! You and the proverb are right. I don't know which is best 'Better hive And keep alive Than vengeance wake With that you take.

Then imprinting a final kiss on her forehead, he said simply: "I'll try." Silence reigned. She was dressing, and he stood pressing his forehead against the windowpanes. A minute passed, and he returned to her and deliberately continued: "Nana, you ought to marry me." This notion straightway so tickled the young woman that she was unable to finish tying on her petticoats. "My poor pet, you're ill!

But, really loving good cheer above everything else, his latest whim tickled him into laughter whenever it entered his mind. It was the happiest idea of his life. "Why, sir," he said to his book-keeper, "I think if a man would practise my system he could easily eat a whole turkey not to speak of other dishes at a meal. Magnificent idea! William. I wonder no one ever thought of it before.

Dick laughed quite cheerily as he thought of the lieutenant's handsome face, and the idea tickled him for the moment; but the next moment he sighed and felt angry with himself for his mirthful display, and forgot the lieutenant's lessons till the next day.

"Wall," sez I, "I have seen you at times durin' the last 20 years, when I thought you realized how they felt without snow-shoes on, either." He had borrowed 'em. Wall, Ardelia wuz dretful pensive, and soft actin' that night, she seemed real tickled to see us, and to get where we wuz. She haint over and above suited with the boardin' place where she is, I think.