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If we should fail, and our cause go down, it would not be one year before Jeff Davis would be invited to attend agricultural shows North, so as to draw a crowd and increase the gate money. This caused great laughter. 'I want now to ask my friend Bowen why his friend Thos. A. Strider is not here. "'Well, said Bowen, 'I cannot say. I had hoped that he would be here, but I find he is not. "Mr.

"'True, he said, 'Valamburg had been very much hampered by the suspicions resting upon him in the minds of the people, but it was not so with Strider. He could have done a great deal more if he had not been so timid. 'But, he continued, 'Lincoln is an old fox, and soon smelled out those little devices of Strider.

"The rebel sympathizers and Golden Circles were loud in their denunciation of the war and the party sustaining it. Thos. A. Strider and Dan Bowen were traversing the state of Indiana, making inflammatory speeches, and all over the North the same policy was being pursued by the anti-war party.

Thos. A. Strider spoke also; but he was not so vehement and abusive as Bowen, but was equally strong against the war for the Union. He continued in this vein for an hour. These utterances were loudly applauded by the majority of the audience.

To illustrate what he meant, he said: 'I came from Indianapolis here. Thos. A. Stridor promised me faithfully that he would be here, but you do not see him. He is the one man of all others in the West who is expected to advise and suggest. "Dan Bowen here interrupted, saying: 'Strider has been at work.

He acceded to their proposition without hesitation, and remained not leaving them for an instant. In the evening, shortly after dark, they were all conducted to a large empty barn near by, and on entering it Dent found Thos. A. Strider presiding, and Bowen lecturing on the designs and purposes of the Knights of the Golden Circle.

The Governor was surprised at hearing some of the names, and said he had no doubt of Strider being at the bottom of it, but that he would not be caught; that when the trying time should come, if ever, he would turn up as counsel, and in that way would get out of it, and thereby seal the mouths of the criminals.

There is to be a political meeting there to-morrow, and they expect, as they told us, that Thomas A. Strider, of Indianapolis, and Dan Bowen, also of Indiana, were to be there, and through one of them they thought they could obtain aid; that while in prison they had been initiated into a society called the "Knights of the Golden Circle," which was a secession organization, intended as an auxiliary force to the rebel army; that Dan Bowen was one of their main men, and so called "Agitator"; that Thomas A. Strider was Chief Counselor to the organization in Indiana; was to be in Washington most of the time to "watch things" and to defend them at all times when any of their order should be arrested or in any danger.

"Goodbye, Launcelot, Lochinvar . . . " He started toward the door and turned back a step toward her. "Strider," he said. "Strider," she drawled, smiling. They let go of each other with the total release that binds across any space or time. Joe walked along Kalakaua Avenue. It was still early; most of the tourists were in bed or eating breakfast. Daisy. How unexpected! How great!

"After the necessary examinations were made by a committee, the persons mentioned, with several others, were admitted to seats in the assembly. Henry was selected by Wintergreen to assist him in his duties as Secretary. A. Strider, C. H. Eagle and N. Judy Cornington for not attending, saying he had letters from each of those gentlemen promising to be present.