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You remember, three years ago, my telling you I had let myself in for painting a couple of Kentish squireen? I really could not understand what had possessed me to say yes to that man. A friend of mine had brought him one day to my studio Mr. Oke of Okehurst, that was the name on his card.

"And well made too, father, if the girls are anything of judges," replied Patrick. "You put me out," replied the Squireen; "you've more to be vain of than your figure." "And what may that be that you're discoursing about father?" "Nothing more nor less, nor better nor worse, but you're an ensign in his Majesty's new regiment the number has escaped my memory."

Then there were scores of squireen gentry, easily recognized on common occasions by a green coat, brass buttons, dirty cords, and dirtier top-boots, a lash-whip, and a half-bred fox-hound; but now, fresh-washed for the day, they presented something the appearance of a swell mob, adjusted to the meridian of Galway.

I didn't know they were coming, though it may be in the newspaper all the time. But old Derriman keeps it so long that we never know things till they be in everybody's mouth. This Derriman was a squireen living near, who was chiefly distinguished in the present warlike time by having a nephew in the yeomanry.

Their indigence and ignorance are rather the result of neglect; of neglect, sir, from the government of the country from the earl to the squireen. They have been taught little that is suitable to their stations and duties in life, either as tenants who cultivate our lands, or as members of moral or Christian society." "Well, well: I believe what you say is too true.

"Exactly: you've hit it," said Armstrong; "and, in the same way, the moment the breath is out of a goose it becomes an idle squireen , and, generally speaking, a younger brother." "Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Nick," said Jerry; "and take care how you meddle with the Church again."

"I judge you from your life, your prejudices, even the views which you have expressed." "There are some of us," he reminded her, "to whom reticence is a national gift. I like what you said just now. Why should you take it for granted that I am a narrow squireen? Why shouldn't you believe that I, too, may feel the horror of these days?" "You feel it personally but not impersonally," she cried.

The small service he had rendered Fay linked itself to a wish to do something more for her he did not know exactly what but something larger than to-day. Any fool, any bucolic squireen, could have given her a lift home on a cob. He would like to do something which another person could not do, something which would cheer her, console her, and at the same time place him in a magnanimous light.

Derriman! he exclaimed. 'My tin box! said Uncle Benjy. 'O, only the trumpet-major! 'Your box is safe enough, I assure you. It was only' here the trumpet- major gave vent to an artificial laugh 'only a sly bit of courting, you know. 'Ha, ha, I see! said the relieved old squireen. 'Courting Miss Anne! Then you've ousted my nephew, trumpet-major! Well, so much the better.

And scarce a McBride I noticed. But the father and son ould Matthew, and flourishing Phil, was in it, with a new pair of boots and the silver-hilted whip. Catty. The spalpeen! turned into a buckeen, that would be a squireen, but can't. Pat. No, for the father pinches him. Catty. That's well and that ould Matthew is as obstinate a neger as ever famished his stomach.