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Yours is a heart that laughter cheers, Mine is a hearts that's full of tears. "Whew!" said Gale, slipping out of his pack-straps, "the skeeters is bad." "You bet your gum boots," said Poleon. "Dey're mos' so t'ick as de summer dey kill Johnnie Platt on de Porcupine."

He rose, took off the veil, and flattened the hoops down on each other, so as to drive out all that might be inside. Then he stepped to leeward of the fire, held his breath for a few seconds while in the smoke, quickly adjusted his novel head-piece, and stood up fully armed against the "skeeters."

Then Mitch flung down his spade and sat on the log where we had "Tom Sawyer" hid and began to talk. "Skeeters," he said, "just look how everything tallies. Tom's town was St. Petersburg, and ours here is Petersburg. His town was on a river. So is this town. We ain't got no Injun Joe, but how about Doc Lyon? Ain't he just as mysterious and dangerous as Injun Joe?

"Yes," agreed Aunt Em; "they're hungry, all right. An' they ain't very particular who they feed on. I'm glad you've got the 'skeeters educated in Oz." That evening after dinner they were entertained by the Emperor's Tin Cornet Band, which played for them several sweet melodies.

Look here we can bum our way or walk to Havaner then we can get a job on a steamboat and go to St. Louis then we can bum or walk our way to Hannibal and some fine mornin' you and I will be standin' on the shore of the Mississippi and there'll be Tom and Huck, and you and me. And I'll say, 'Tom Sawyer, I'm Mitch Miller, and this here is Skeeters Kirby. How's that for fun? Just think of it.

We can find a better place than this to sleep to-night. Why, the skeeters nearly carried me away last night," declared Jerry. "And I'm beginning to be anxious, myself, for a glimpse of that wonderful gulf, not to say a taste of those delicious oysters," put in Bluff. "That settles it, then. Let's get the things aboard, and drop downstream a few miles, anyway."

No skeeters git at me now!" "But, Quash," said Lawrence, who had watched the making of this ingenious device, as well as lent assistance, "there are mosquitoes inside it even now; and with such swarms as are about us, how will you keep them out while putting the thing on." "Don' call it a `t'ing, massa," said Quashy, with a dignified look, "call it a `veil. Dere's nuflin easier. See here."

I guess we'll have a pleasant meetin' here of all the folks in town pretty soon not to mention the skeeters, which are comin' right early this year!" "Lands sakes!" cried Rebecca. "There now!" exclaimed Copernicus, bustling toward the windows, "I must be a nateral born fool!"

But the time-keeper's call prevented further doings. "He's a mosquito, that's all," growled Denison to Nelson, in the corner. "Go in and swat him, then," grinned Nelson. "Watch me!" "Remember, then, that skeeters are dodgers." "I'll saw him off, this time," grumbled the big fellow. The call of time brought both men forward.

And who is Mrs. Somers?" "Misc Somers, she's a ole aunt of Par Hullin. She an' me live together sence par and mar died of the pilmonary. Oh, I have a passel of beaus that takes me over to the Oushin on Sinepuxin beach, outen the way of the skeeters, an' thar we wades and sails, and biles salt and roasts mammynoes. Aunt Vesty, I can cut out most any girl from her beau; but, Lord sakes!