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"Trot along, Blair, and don't forget what we've told you. I'll see you again," he added, significantly. The trio had come to a stop some little distance from Andy, and had stood with arms linked. Now they were ready to proceed. On the various walks, that traversed the big campus in the quadrangle of Yale, other students were hurrying to and fro, some going to their rooms, others coming from them.

The Judge touches him on the arm significantly, and whispers in his ear, "grant her the order grant it, for peace sake, Justice Snivel." "Now, if you will tell me why you take so deep an interest in getting them fellows out of prison, I will grant the order of release," Mr. Snivel says, and with an air of great gallantry leads her back to her chair.

Wisbech appeared to notice it, for he looked hard at Acton. Then he made an abrupt gesture. "It's my nephew's affair," he said. "Oh, yes!" returned Acton, significantly. "Any way, I'll go ashore with him, as soon as George has the gig ready." Acton and Nasmyth were rowed off together half an hour later, and they walked up through the hot main street of the little colliery town.

The next morning was clear and frosty; but the day after was, to use Tomlinson's simile, "as dark as if all the negroes of Africa had been stewed down into air." "You might have cut the fog with a knife," as the proverb says. Paul and Augustus could not even see how significantly each looked at the other.

The two doctors in attendance were there, together with the trained nurse from the city. Emily pushed them aside and fell on her knees by the bed. One of the doctors made a hasty motion as if to draw her back, but the other checked him. "It doesn't matter now," he said significantly. Stephen Fair turned his languid, unshorn head on the pillow. His dull, fevered eyes met Emily's.

I'll warrant YOU'RE getting on. Tell me about it." "Tell me about yourself, first," said Mildred. "WHY all this excitement about improving?" And she smiled significantly. "No, you'll have to guess again," said Mrs. Belloc. "Not a man.

It is a lamentable fact that only 1 in 10 of the males and 1 in 144 of the females can read. Only 22.6 per cent of the boys of school-going age attend school, and only 2.6 per cent of the girls. And yet the enrolment of more than five million scholars in the public schools is a significantly hopeful fact as compared with the past history of India. This education is distinctly on western lines.

And towards the question of clairvoyance, too, his attitude was significantly sane, for he knew how extremely rare the genuine power was, and that what is commonly called clairvoyance is nothing more than a keen power of visualising. "It connotes a slightly increased sensibility, nothing more," he would say.

He said the last words so significantly, and with such a look, that all the blood of all the Stanfords rushed red to Reginald's face. "The deuce take your inuendoes!" he exclaimed. "What do you mean?" "Don't ask me," said Doctor Frank. "I hate to tell a lie: and I won't say what I suspect. Suppose we change the subject. Where is Sir Ronald Keith?"

The boy's hand trembled as it lay in mine, and his eyes, fixed upon his father's, wore again the ominous expression of the picture. He did not speak, and his father took a step toward the door significantly. But the doleful silence that might have attended my departure was broken by a demonstration, "as per sample," from my country's fair and gentle 'ater.