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He was wearing a short jacket and comfortable slippers, and he shuffled along like a gouty man waving and rubbing his hands; humming and buzzing and shrugging with pleasure at being at home again with his favourite shower-bath.

Then Jake said, as if he just happened to think of it, "And fought bumblebees." And Frank put in, "And took a shower-bath in the thunder-storm." And Jake said, "And eat mulberries." And Frank put in again, "And built a raft." And Jake said, "And Dave got pulled into the mill-dam." And Frank wound up, "And Jake and I got swept overboard."

'There's three things to be afeared on, said Robson, authoritatively: 'there's t' ice, that's bad; there's dirty weather, that's worse; and there's whales theirselves, as is t' worst of all; leastways, they was i' my days; t' darned brutes may ha' larnt better manners sin'. When I were young, they could niver be got to let theirsels be harpooned wi'out flounderin' and makin' play wi' their tales and their fins, till t' say were all in a foam, and t' boats' crews was all o'er wi' spray, which i' them latitudes is a kind o' shower-bath not needed.

"Defy me there!" cries my father; and one would think the ocean was in the shower-bath, it came down with such a rattle.

O'Gaygun says that he loves to "astthronomise" when lying comfortably in bed; but he adds, that, "a shower-bath is a quare place to sleep in." It will be surmised from this that our roof is leaky. All roofs are that, you know, in a greater or lesser degree, only ours in a greater, perhaps. Those shingles will come off. We are sure we put them on properly and securely.

We cannot, however, call it a dry joke," continued she, wringing the rain from her dress. "I wish we were suspended over Old Snow-storm's fire with the bull-frog, for I hate a shower-bath with my clothes on." I took warning by this adventure, never to cross the lake again without a stronger arm than mine in the canoe to steer me safely through the current.

But it was the untamed enthusiasm which is the source of all great thoughts and deeds, a beautiful delirium which age commonly tames down, and for which the cold shower-bath the world furnishes gratis proves a pretty certain cure. Creation is always preceded by chaos.

The poop deck, where the captain was walking, had already been washed, and the people were now in the waist, and were giving a few more vehement splashes before moving further forward, when Colonel Gauntlett, in his forage cap, a richly flowered dressing-gown, and Turkish slippers, made his appearance at the companion hatch, very nearly receiving a copious shower-bath from the contents of a bucket dashed across the deck at that moment.

Not one great war has ever desolated the earth, but has left behind it seeds that have ripened into blessings incalculable!" Mr. "Oh! oh! oh!" Luckless Squills! Little could he have foreseen the shower-bath, or rather douche, of erudition that fell splash on his head as he pulled the string with that impertinent Oh! oh!

Dreary as was the aspect of the region in which we were encamped, compared with the scenery to which we had been accustomed, we slept, however, without fear; and the next morning, having taken a shower-bath in the waterfall, we breakfasted, and set off in good spirits. "No signs of Master Pullingo," observed Mudge.