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I calls God t' witness that I loves my lass! She've done no wrong," he continued. "She've but run away from the sin t' Wayfarer's Tickle. She've taken shelter t' Wolf Cove because she've been afeared that I'd mistook an' cast her off!" "An' she's waitin' there for you?" "Ay for me t' bring her home." "For her father t' come?" "Her father." There was a moment of silence.

An' your missis theer, if I haven't kept it for the last! 'Tis news four-an-twenty hour old now an' they wrote to 'e essterday, but I lay you missed the letter awin' to me " "Get on!" "Well, she've brought 'e a bwoy so now you've got both sorts bwoy an' cheel. An' all doin' well as can be, though wisht work for her, thinkin' 'pon you the while."

It appears he can find none so suitable. "No, I don't understand!" exclaimed the old fellow, fiercely. "This has been a black week for me, Sir John. First of all my darter's youngest darter comes and tells me she've picked up with a man.

"'Twill puzzle him to manage her, or any other man of his compass!" "I don't know about that. She can't do without him, and knowing it well he's pretty independent. And she've a few soft corners to her mind, though I've never been able to get into one, the devil's in't!" "Ah, baily, she's a notch above you, and you must own it: a higher class of animal a finer tissue.

If they get up this tower ruling plannards together much longer, their plannards will soon rule them together, in my way o' thinking. If she've a disposition towards the knot, she can soon teach him. 'True, true, and lawfully. What before mid ha' been a wrong desire is now a holy wish! The scales fell from Swithin St. Cleeve's eyes as he heard the words of his neighbours.

On my expressing wonder at seeing a Barking lad among us, Jack winked with profound meaning, and said, "I ain't Barking at all, only for this trip. My gal's a Lowestoft gal, and she've come up here, so I'm ready for her Sunday out to-morrow. See?" Our second interview took place next day, and I saw the sweetheart.

Let me tell ye, ye won't find many on 'em so well looked to as she be my Luce! Well, Mr. Fev'rel, it's you, or it's her one of ye must be out o' the way. So we're told. And Luce I do believe she's just as anxious about yer education as yer father she says she'll go, and wouldn't write, and'd break it off for the sake o' your education. And she've kep' her word, haven't she? She's a true'n.

Which I was reckoning that she being from foreign parts and the Islands the first place she've touched at, I might pick up a bravish order in the way of fresh milk and eggs, not to mention that Job Clemow sold me half-a-hundredweight of plaice, with a cod or two, that he took on the spiller yesterday."

His serious air and habitual tone of command fascinated the softness of Berry, and it was not until he had gone that she spoke out. "Unfort'nate! He's going to bring me an unfort'nate female! Oh! not from my babe can I bear that! Never will I have her here! I see it. It's that bold-faced woman he's got mixed up in, and she've been and made the young man think he'll go for to reform her.

Mr Philp hazarded with massive gravity. "It's the sort o' thing a woman wears now-a-days when she've lost her husband. I follows the fashions in my distant way." He paused and corrected himself carefully "Them sort." "I thought it occurred to me as it might be the handiest way of returnin' the thing." "It seems early days to be carryin' that sort of article around in the crown o' your hat.