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"All serene." "Had we better write?" asked Riddell. "No; why? What's the use of looking ashamed?" said Fairbairn; "let's go to them. Bloomfield's sure to be in his study." The two boys went accordingly, and found the Parrett's captain in his study along with Game and Ashley. It was rarely indeed that the schoolhouse seniors penetrated uninvited into the headquarters of their rivals.

Tabbs came to Washington before the War of 1812 and began teaching those who came to him when he had a schoolhouse, and when he had none he went from house to house, stopping even under the trees to teach wherever he found pupils who were interested. Of this self-educative work of Negroes some of the best was accomplished by colored women.

"And she's got a sister, or somebody hangs about the place, worse than any of them. Why, when old Wynd " "And," said Miss Stringer, suddenly "and which house are you in in the schoolhouse?" "Hullo, then! you know Willoughby?" demanded Telson sharply. Miss Stringer looked confused, as well she might, but replied, "Ah! all public schools have a schoolhouse, have they not?"

If there was to be a council-meeting or a camp assembly, it was called the "Meeting-house." On Sundays it became the "tabernacle." Week-days it was known as the "schoolhouse," and at odd times it was spoken of as the "theatre," the "concert-hall," and the "Trigger Island court-house." In one corner stood the grand piano from the Doraine, regularly and laboriously tuned by the great Joseppi.

Day said, with a side glance at Janice. "Better laff than cry," declared Walky. "Howsomever, folks seed Mr. Haley go into the schoolhouse and come out ag'in " "He told the committee he had been there," Janice interrupted. "That's right, too. Mebbe not so many folks would ha' knowed they'd seen him there if he hadn't up and said so.

It was evident with the garden as an index that the boarders at King's Crest were fed on more than milk and honey. Randy picked the okra and carried it to the kitchen, and returning to the Schoolhouse found the Major opening his morning mail. Randy sat down on the step. "Once upon a time," he said, "we had niggers to work in our gardens. And now we are all niggers."

"Ye-es, if you really are sorry," said the little fellow, slowly raising his hand, which was snatched at and forcibly wrung, just as the breakfast-bell rang out, and Slegge turned and dashed off towards the schoolhouse as hard as he could run.

I chose the classical course, undeterred by parental demonstrations of the "plum uselessness" of Latin and Greek; I had for the choice no better reason than that it was more difficult. I no longer went to the little red schoolhouse. All this time I had almost forgotten Billy, to whom I owed such a debt of gratitude for sending me upon the Quest. Once I met him on the road.

He went there to try to get his job back, and seen Massey puttin' the trays of coin into his safe. He knowed they was goin' down to the schoolhouse in the mornin'. "He got drunk," pursued Narnay. "He didn't go home all night. Early in the mornin' he woke up in a shed, and went back to town. "Jack says he slipped in behind him and hid upstairs in a clothes closet.

Lieutenant Carr stood in his carriage, and addressed the crowd around him, while a local politician acted as grand marshal of the night, and urged the yelling Democratic legion to surge to the schoolhouse, where Abraham Lincoln was speaking, and run the Whigs from their headquarters. Old men now living, who were big boys then, cannot remember any of the burning eloquence of either speaker.