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Men, women, and children sat on the forms round the stall with the stolid air of animals waiting to be fed. When each received a plate containing a squashy mess of peas and a luscious saveloy, they began to eat with slow, animal satisfaction, heedless of the noisy crowd. The larrikins sat down and gave their order, each paying for his own.

"John, where is His Royal Highness?" John said he had a took hup His Roilighnessesses shaving-water, and his clothes and things, and he wasn't in his room, which he sposed His Royliness was just stepped hout. "Stepped out before breakfast in the snow! Impossible!" says the King, sticking his fork into a sausage. "My dear, take one. Angelica, won't you have a saveloy?"

She took great trouble to make him more fastidious. When the cook came to her quite indignant one day: "Master Wolfgang won't have any more of the good saveloy on his bread now, nor of the joint from dinner either, ma'am he says it's 'always the same. What am I to do now?" she was delighted.

Say to yourselves, 'I am eating saveloys, and for all practical purposes these things will be saveloys." Some of the lads professed to have done it, but one disappointed-looking youth confessed to failure. "But how can you be sure it was not a saveloy?" the host persisted. "Because," explained the boy, "I haven't got the stomach-ache."

The noise of footsteps on the creaking stairs, a few minutes after the occurrence of this conversation, roused the merry old gentleman as he sat over the fire with a saveloy and a small loaf in his hand; a pocket-knife in his right; and a pewter pot on the trivet.

The wall-paper was horrible; evidently only a servant had ever been lodged there before Marcas. "What is to be seen?" asked the Doctor as I got down. "Look for yourself," said I. At nine next morning, Marcas was in bed. He had breakfasted off a saveloy; we saw on a plate, with some crumbs of bread, the remains of that too familiar delicacy. He was asleep; he did not wake till eleven.

What next, as a matter of fact, gave him cause for even greater wonder; for as the two carriages met, the door of the last compartment in the one which had just arrived opened briskly, and out of it stepped first a couple of uniformed policemen, next a ginger-haired youth with a kit-bag in one hand and a saveloy in the other, then the trim figure of the lady who had so long and popularly been known in the music-hall world as Mademoiselle Fifi de Lesparre, and last of all "Cleek!" blurted out Narkom, overcome with amazement, as he saw the serenely alighting figure.

He had made good use of the two half-crowns, for he had not only feasted and was feasting still: on a bag of winkles and a saveloy but was washed and brushed and had gone to the length of a shoe-shine and a collar. "Been waitin' since eleven o'clock, sir," he said, getting up and pulling his forelock as Cleek appeared. "Didn't knock and arsk for no one, though not me.

The old maid, however, poked her nose over the dishes on the counter. "Ah, some slices of saveloy!" she muttered, as though she were speaking to herself. "They'll get very dry cut up like that. And that black-pudding's broken, I see a fork's been stuck into it, I expect. It might be taken away it's soiling the dish." Lisa, still absent-minded, gave her the black-pudding and slices of saveloy.

But those were the days of my youth, Mrs. Wilkins. The scent of a thousand hopes was in my nostrils: so they smelt good to me. The fourpenny beefsteak pie, satisfying to the verge of repletion; the succulent saveloy, were not for the owner of the ivory-handled umbrella.