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But how shall I picture my surprise, in presently discovering that this unknown and indefatigable fellow-worker has really read, I say read and reread, our Quartos, our Folios, the enormous volumes of Bor, of van Meteren, besides a multitude of books, of pamphlets, and even of unedited documents.

Instead of concentrating his attention on the task in hand, he could only in later days look back with amazement 'at the fatuity of his arrangements and the snail-like progress with which he seemed to be satisfied. He was content if, on his final review of Thucydides, he got through twenty or thirty chapters a day, and he reread Sophocles 'at the lazy rate of a hundred and fifty lines a day, instead of going over the difficult places only, which might have been done in a week.

It must not be supposed that, as Code sat in his hard wooden chair, he forgot the diary that he had read the first afternoon of his incarceration. Often he thought of it, and often he drew it out from its place and reread those last entries: "Swears he will win second race," "Says he can't lose day after to-morrow," "I wonder what the boy has got up his sleeve that makes him so sure he will win?"

Read the contract carefully and note that you retain the right to cancel it and relieve yourself of all obligation in the matter by abandoning your claim to the land. "That looks like fair warning" mused Mr. McGraw, as he reread this document. "I defy any man to look between the lines and scent my hocus- pocus game." Bob next proceeded to draw up the contract.

That letter, read and reread by his wife, and submitted by her to the police, yielded little enough for conjecture to feed on. "I have just heard of Elwell's death, and while I suppose there is now no farther risk of trouble, it might be safer " That was all.

Hollins would never forgive him, said the man, if he knew he was hinting at such a thing, but what he needed to help him out of his trouble was money. It made her suspicious, but she reread the note. "He is devoted to me, and perfectly reliable. I have cared for him and his sister from childhood. Do not fear to trust the letters, or anything you may write, to him." Mr.

His new attendant waited until the door was closed. Then he removed the receiver from its hook, laid it upon the table, and moved stealthily towards the open fireplace. For several moments he remained in an attitude of listening, then with quick, lithe fingers he drew from his pocket a cable dispatch, reread it with an air of complete absorption, and committed it to the flames.

Slowly faith came back to her, and she reread the letter carefully. It took him long to explain to her the nature of the transaction which had put the money into his possession, and longer still to get her to understand that the money was really hers and that he did not need it. "I'll put it in the bank for you," she said finally. "You'll do nothing of the sort.

"By this time she was so much encouraged that she handed him the letter and statement of Jackson. "The President read the letter, and then read and reread Jackson's statement. Great tears rolled down his bronzed cheeks as he read the statement. He tapped a bell, and sent for the Secretary of War. The Secretary soon came, and greeted Mrs. Anderson very cordially on being introduced.

But I won't worry about that he ought to 'tend to his bankin'. Guess I'll be startin' North in about ten days." A week later McNabb got another wire from the engineer in charge of his road construction. As he read and reread it, a slow smile trembled upon his lips and widened into a broad grin. "Sixty-five miles of road completed. Eureka Paper Company cement and material piling up at road head.