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Almost every dwelling has her effigy rudely painted over the entrance; and she is invoked at the beginning of all undertakings, and is the remover of all difficulties.

"Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempests and is never shaken."

"His altogether insufficient substitute," answered this person, with difficulty mastering his great rage, "may and shall offer words of explanation to the inspired Kin Yen, setting forth the reason of his pictures being used, not with the high-minded story of the elegant Tong-king for which they were executed, but accompanying exceedingly base, foolish, and ungrammatical words written by Klan-hi, the Peking remover of gravity words which will evermore brand the dew-like Tien as a person of light speech and no refinement"; and in his agony this person struck the lacquered table several times with his elegant knife.

In the absence of any guidance from usage, certainty as to the meaning of the word is unattainable. But there seems no reason, other than that of the said antithesis, against taking it to mean removal or dismissal, rather than 'a remover. The Septuagint translates it in both ways: as a person in verse 8, and as 'sending away' in verse 10.

I have already arranged with Mr. Strawson, furniture remover, to send up a couple of vans tomorrow morning, very early. Into those vans the furniture will be placed, and the vans will convey it to Norcaster, whence they will be transshipped bodily to London, by sea. Mr. Mallalieu you'll leave here, sir, in one of those vans!" Mallalieu listened, considered, began to see possibilities.

I've had caravaners here before." "We will," said Mary, "I promise" seeing as she spoke the necessity of a new official being appointed at once: the Remover of Camp Litter. "I said the other day," continued the farmer, "that never again would I let a caravan into my fields, didn't I, Bet? And how can I go back on that?" "You did say it," said Mrs.

It's hair remover. Sulphur in it." "How could you ever smell that far, Dammy?" "I wonder what's in those books?" Adam pondered. He sat cross-legged on the ice chest and ate slowly for a time, then remarked, "You didn't put up these quinces, Mamma." "No; they're Sadie's. Think of your noticin'!" "You got to teach Edie cookin'," he said. "She can't cook fit for a Cuban. Lots of time, though.

"We'll have to get you up to bed," said the latter, rising slowly and dusting himself. Mr. Scutts, who was lying full length on the floor, acquiesced, and sent his wife for some neighbours. One of them was a professional furniture- remover, and, half-way up the narrow stairs, the unfortunate had to remind him that he was dealing with a British working man, and not a piano.

The blood-stain has been much admired by tourists and others, and cannot be removed. 'That is all nonsense, cried Washington Otis; 'Pinkerton's Champion Stain Remover and Paragon Detergent will clean it up in no time, and before the terrified housekeeper could interfere he had fallen upon his knees, and was rapidly scouring the floor with a small stick of what looked like a black cosmetic.

"Yes, sir," replied a functionary who bore in front of him an enamelled tray heaped with pine shavings. "The opener of the shutters?" "Here, sir." "The remover of the taper?" "Here, sir." "Be ready for the word." He turned the handle once more, and slipped into the darkened room.