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The Ryans' field, indeed, was so ripe by the day of Ballybrosna Big Fair, that Paddy Ryan commissioned Hugh McInerney to bring him back a reaping-hook from it. Hugh was going to attend it on business of his own, and Ody Rafferty had some bulkier commissions to execute in behalf of his neighbours.

Rafferty's Ditch, a ridiculous plan for taking water that could not be got to a place where it wasn't wanted! Rafferty's Ditch, that had buried the fortunes of Rafferty and twenty wretched stockholders in its muddy depths! "And thet's it, is it?" said Wingate, after a gloomy pause. "Thet's it! I see it all now, boys.

Andy lounged over to her goodnaturedly, and they turned into the bog, where Ody Rafferty presently joined them. The widow thought her fowl might be among the broken ground, where the stream runs at the back of the Knockawn, and the three went in that direction.

Rafferty will make a bad alderman at all." I received several offers from other firms and as a result of these my wages were advanced first to three dollars a day and then to three and a half. Still Ruth refused to take things easier by increasing the household expenses. During the third year we lived exactly as we had lived during the first year.

"Only two of 'em did it though, for Harry, who was a powerful, ugly-tempered chap, swore he'd do all sorts o' dreadful things to us if we didn't keep well and hearty, an' all 'cept these two did. One of 'em, Mike Rafferty, laid up with a swelling on his ribs, which I knew myself he 'ad 'ad for fifteen years, and the other chap had paralysis. I never saw a man so reely happy as the skipper was.

Was there no remedy for this, Hal asked, talking with one of his mule-drivers, Tim Rafferty, the evening after his ride with Cho. There was a remedy, said Tim the law required sprinkling the mines with "adobe-dust"; and once in Tim's life, he remembered this law's being obeyed.

"Why there war ould Paddy Rafferty, who war in the Cavan Militia in the Rabellion av he didn't kill scores of the French at Ballinamuck, he's the biggest liar I ever heard; but he's dead now, yer honour."

"Come quickly now, you, and tell our chauffeur where to take us." If Rafferty had dared, he would have given the chauffeur directions likely to lead to further bickering, but the presence of the Earl restrained him, for Valletort, though thin and hawk-nosed, was an aristocrat in every inch, whereas Count Ladislas Vassilan wore the stage aspect of a successful pork-butcher.

There was much fun and enthusiasm, when the assumed Hogan would be asked to gain through Cooney, or Bloomer would make a run, and the make-believe Foster Rockwell would urge the pseudo Yale team on to victory. John DeWitt had more than one encounter that afternoon with Captain Rafferty of Yale.

"Stranger," said he, "the boy wants me to let you go." "Does he?" inquired Rafferty, in surprise. "Yes. He is afraid it will go hard with you if we give you up." "Likely it will," muttered Rafferty, watching Watson's face eagerly, to see whether he favored Joe's proposal. "Suppose we let you go will you promise not to make another attempt upon this place?" "What do you take me for?