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She was about to add "the great fortune he is to get," when she realized that she was taking this husband nothing not even her own heart. She went on, for the first time a little glad that she was penniless. "He may find neither fortune, nor position, nor heart awaiting him!" she finished pointedly. The Maccabee pulled one of his stubborn locks that had fallen over his eyes.

By the new year Bouchalka was fairly on his feet. He had proper clothes now, and Cressida's friends found him attractive. He was usually at her house on Sunday afternoons; so usually, indeed, that Poppas began pointedly to absent himself.

Herrick was embarrassed; the silken brutality of their visitor made him blush; that he should be accepted as an equal, and the others thus pointedly ignored, pleased him in spite of himself, and then ran through his veins in a recoil of anger. 'I don't know, he said. 'It's only California; it's good enough, I believe. Attwater seemed to make up his mind.

But where would be the sense in our professing to love our country by talking her tongue, when it served every reasonable purpose in the world better to talk English? You're so one idea'd, you Dutch folk, at least some of you," pointedly. "The language and the Bible and your early-morning coffee!" They could not help laughing at her, but van Hert indignantly repudiated her charge.

My visit has done her no harm. And I turned to Lady Betty, who stood on tiptoe to kiss me and breathed a 'thank you' into my ear; but Miss Darrell could not forbear from a parting fling as she bade me good-night. 'We shall wait supper for you, Giles, she said rather pointedly; but Mr.

The Supreme Court Judge remained a prisoner in Fort Vigilance for many weeks. After days and nights of wrestling with the situation, the Committee judged the prisoner guilty of assault. As the usual punishment within their power to inflict was not applicable in this case, the prisoner was discharged. It was pointedly suggested that the best interests of the State demanded his resignation.

He had been asked, rather pointedly, by the National Gallery Commission, whether he had seen the great German museums, and had been obliged to reply that he had not.

She colored slightly and glanced under her lashes at Blessington. Had the same idea struck him, she wondered? But he was studiously studying a suit of Chinese armor that stood close by in a niche of the wall. "Bobby has been keeping me amused while you talked to Mr. Lakely," she said, pointedly. Directly addressed, Loder turned and looked at Blessington.

His disorganized troops at length effected the passage of the creek, beyond which the Indians did not pursue them. Crockett writes: "I will not say exactly that the old General was whipped. But I think he would say himself that he was nearer whipped this time than any other; for I know that all the world couldn't make him acknowledge that he was pointedly whipped.

Yes, we need indistinctness!" The orator looked so pointedly at me as he uttered these words, that I felt bound to reply, by murmuring something to the effect that I hardly felt the need myself and that I enjoyed looking at a thing, better, when I could see it. "Quite so!" the great man sharply took me up. "From your point of view, that is correctly put.