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The cardinal saw her regularly three times a day; the first thing in the morning he called to ask if she had had a good night, at three o'clock in the afternoon he took coffee with her, and in the evening he met her at the assembly. He always played at piquet, and played with such talent that he invariably lost six Roman sequins, no more and no less.

Is there another conspiracy at Terre aux Boeufs, or does somebody live there who has never before lent Auguste money?" Madame la Vicomtesse laughed. Then she grew serious again. "You did not know where he had gone?" she said. "I did not even know he had gone," said Nick. "Citizen Lamarque and I were having a little game of piquet for vegetables. Eh, citizen?"

He was haunted all this time not by the memory of a sweet and gentle woman, but by the recollection of an animal; a beast it is true that could sit at table and play piquet when it would, but for all that nothing really but a wild beast. His one hope now was the recovery of this beast, and of this he dreamed continually.

He added, however, a few words on the mutual duties of husband and wife copartnership paternity, etc., etc.; but all these things, which would perhaps have made me weep anywhere else, seemed grotesque to me, and I could not forget that dozen of soldiers playing piquet round the stove, and that row of doors on which I had read "Public Health," "Burials," "Deaths," "Expropriations," etc.

Friend," he added, addressing himself to Peveril, who, on the signal of Fenella, stepped forward almost instinctively, and kneeled down, "we thank thee for the pleasure of this morning. My Lord Marquis, you rooked me at piquet last night; for which disloyal deed thou shalt now atone, by giving a couple of pieces to this honest youth, and five to the girl."

M. de Cosnac, Archbishop of Aix, was at a very advanced age when he learnt that Saint Francois de Sales had been canonized. "What!" cried he, "M. de Geneve, my old friend? I am delighted at his good fortune; he was a gallant man, an amiable man, and an honest man, too, although he would sometimes cheat at piquet, at which we have often played together."

We speak of it sometimes before and after our piquet, Chamblard and I; but the young man is restive doesn't yet wish to settle down. It would be such a good thing he is richer than we. Chamblard is once, twice, three times richer!

She had her coffee and liqueur, she was graceful and composed and refined, either Jim or Rochester will have a very nice wife. Burton coughed when she had left. "Out with it, Burton!" "Mrs. Ardilawn is a kind lady, Sir Nicholas." "Charming." "I believe you'd be better with some lady to look after you, Sir ." "To hell with you. Telephone for Mr. Maurice I don't want any woman we can play piquet."

Made partner in his shipping firm well before he was thirty, he had sailed with a wet sheet and a flowing tide; dancers, claret, Cliquot, and piquet; a cab with a tiger; some travel all that delicious early-Victorian consciousness of nothing save a golden time.

In the corner of the room where she was sitting, playing piquet with the Bishop of Persepolis, her agitation was not observed; she turned her head and saw her former lover come in, in all the freshness of youth. His father's death, and then that of his brother, killed by the severe climate of Saint-Petersburg, had placed on Maximilien's head the hereditary plumes of the French peer's hat.