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Only occasionally Ruth turned her head, for she needed her full attention upon the oar which she managed with such difficulty. "We gotter p'int up-stream," growled Uncle Jabez, after wringing his neck around again to spy out the landing near Lakeby's store. "Pesky current's kerried us too fur down." He gave a mighty pull to his own oar to rehead the boat.

He was rather a cool hand himself, but such audacity as this was new to him. "What's ailing you, Pesky? It don't strike me as being so damned amusing," growled his leader. "Different here, Buck. I was just grinning because he's such a cheerful guy. Of course, I ain't got one of his pills in my arm, like you have."

He leaned over, picked a bit of ice, and flung it in the air. "Myra," he muttered. "I need a rest." "You do," almost inaudible. "I need Didn't I say, no peanuts? No means no! Good-day!" He turned about laughing. "What do you think of that for a pesky little animal?" "Joe!" she cried in her agony. Joe said nothing, but stared, and a great sob shook him and escaped his lips. "Myra!!"

In his gentle ethics the evil men do him he requites with goodness. And who shall say he is not happier than they? "Never mind their pesky road," he said to me as we dragged ourselves up a shelf of rock and sat down, panting, to rest. "I'll get an air machine soon and fool them.

In my note-book I find an entry describing my vain attempts to enjoy the music of a rose-breasted grosbeak, who at that time had never been a common bird with me, while "a pesky Wagnerian red-eye kept up an incessant racket." The warbling vireo is admirably named; there is no one of our birds that can more properly be said to warble.

You'll get me, of course, but it may prove right expensive," he said quietly. "That's all right. We're footing our end of the bill," Pesky retorted. By this time, he and Weaver had dismounted, and were sheltered behind rocks. Already bullets were beginning to spit back and forth, though the flankers had not yet got into action. "Durn his hide, I hate like sin to puncture it," Pesky told his boss.

I don't want to drop it, because I have come such a long way to get it, and goodness knows when I will be able to catch another. The thing for me to do is to hide it where I can come back and get it after I get rid of that pesky dog. Goodness, what a noise he makes!" As he ran, Reddy watched sharply this way and that way for a place to hide the fat hen.

My findin' it out was one of the special Providences that's been helpin' along this last voyage of mine. My second mate was a Hyannis man, name of Cahoon. One day, on that pesky island, when we was eatin' dinner together, he says to me, 'Cap'n, he says, 'you're from Trumet, ain't you? I owned up. 'Know anybody named Coffin there? says he. I owned up to that, too.

"Wolves," said Younkins, curtly, as he raised himself on one elbow to listen. "The pesky critters have smelt blood; they would smell it if they were twenty miles off, I do believe, and they are gathering round as they scent the carcass." By this, all of the party were awake except Sandy, who, worn out with excitement, perhaps, slept on through all the fearful din.

Braced my back against that board so as to get good aim, and I guess the pesky gun was overloaded; and when she went off it felt like a horse had kicked me in the face, and the wheel had run over my shoulder." "Didn't you know better than to put your shoulder between the butt of a gun like that and a half ton of ice?" asked La Salle.