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My frame of mind is best described by the sentiment of the passage in Horace, which at the time I was fond of quoting, as expressing my view of the relation that existed between the Vice-Chancellor and myself. "Pentheu, Rector Thebarum, quid me perferre patique Indignum cogas?" "Adimam bona." "Nempe pecus, rem, Lectos, argentum; tollas licet."

From the following passage in the writings of Tibullus, commentators have conjectured that he was deprived of his lands by the same proscription in which those of Virgil had been involved: Cui fuerant flavi ditantes ordine sulci Horrea, faecundas ad deficientia messes, Cuique pecus denso pascebant agmine colles, Et domino satis, et nimium furique lupoque: Nunc desiderium superest: nam cura novatur, Cum memor anteactos semper dolor admovet annos.

In this way we possess evidence of the development of pastoral life at that remote epoch in the unalterably fixed names of domestic animals; the Sanscrit -gaus- is the Latin -bos-, the Greek bous ; Sanscrit -avis- is the Latin -ovis-, Greek ois ; Sanscrit -asvas-, Latin -equus-, Greek ippos ; Sanscrit -hansas-, Latin -anser-, Greek chein ; Sanscrit -atis-, Latin -anas-, Greek neissa ; in like manner -pecus-, -sus-, -porcus-, -taurus-, -canis-, are Sanscrit words.

He added, with a sigh, "Our lies are as inferior to the lies of the ancients as our statues, and for the same reason; we do not study nature as they did. We are imitatores, servum pecus. Believe you 'the lives of the saints; that Paul the Theban was the first hermit, and Anthony the first Caenobite? Why, Pythagoras was an Eremite, and under ground for seven years; and his daughter was an abbess.

"Democriti pecus edit agellos Cultaque, dum peregre est animus sine corpore velox."

Mercier Queen Victoria for freedom The great strategian Senator Sumner and the French minister Archbishop Hughes His diplomatic activity not worth the postage on his correspondence Alberoni-Seward Love's labor lost. Men like this Davis, Wickliffe, and all the like pecus, roar against the African race.

Then sinking on his knees before me, he said hurriedly: "Mary Jane, I love you; the obstacles to our union are or will be soon removed. In yonder mansion were confined my three crazy wives. One of them, as you know, attempted to kill me! Ha! this is vengeance! But will you be mine?" I fell, without a word, upon his neck. "Nerei repandirostrum incurvicervicum pecus."

In front of them the valley wound softly to the south, and melted into the folds of the hills; to the right, upon a wooded slope, in glades between the trees, goats were at pasture. "Goats! Robinson Crusoe!" Chevenix pointed them out. "Dic mihi, Damoeta, cuium pecus? an Meliboei? Are they yours, Senhouse?" "I drink them, and make cheese. I learned how to do it at Udine ages ago.

He also examined the goods of the peasants, the implements of husbandry, swine with their long sides, cows with distended udders, Corpora magna boum, lanigerumque pecus, mares fitted for the plough or cart, some with frolicsome colts running by their sides. A very animated scene, which must have delighted the young eyes of the stone arch in the days of its youth, as it did the heart of the monk.

Professor Tiele then bids us leave our cries of triumph to the servum imitatorum pecus, braves gens, and so forth, as in the passage which Mr. Max Muller, unless I misunderstand him, regards as referring to the 'new school, and, notably, to M. Gaidoz and myself, though such language ought not to apply to M. Gaidoz, because he is a scholar. I am left to uncovenanted mercies.