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To tell the truth, he seemed to me to be so out of place there that I was actually pained on his account, believing, in my innocent ignorance, that he had unhappily made a mistake in going up to the members' entrance of the grand-looking club-house; and that the fat hall-porter in scarlet, who now stood without the swinging glass doors of the portal, had warned him thence, ordering him, so it struck my fancy, to go down below by way of the area steps, to the basement of the establishment, where his business would probably rather lie with the lower menials of the mansion than with such an august personage as he, one who acted solely as the janitor to the great ones of the earth possessing the password of the club!

You know I don't care for that large, husky young damsel who leads the sophomores, and if I had made my presence behind the screen known, I should have had to speak to her. So I just sat still and said nothing. The password is 'Asia." "They are trying to rub it in, I suppose," cried Grace. "But I think they won't be so ready to use that word after their old ball is over."

For the moment Fred thought himself in the presence of one of the enemy, and his hand darted to the hilt of his sword; but he realised directly after that it was one of their own men posted there, and he shivered as he wondered whether the sentry had noted the direction of his gaze. "Only taking a stroll round, my man," said Fred, as he gave the password. "Not going into the wood, are you, sir?"

Closing the door again, Wilhelm said to the guard: "Bolt this portal firmly and allow no one to enter who does not give you this password." The young man stooped and whispered into the ear of the guard the word "Elsa." The two fugitives then walked slowly along the great hall, the young man peering anxiously to his right for any sign of the stairway by which he had descended.

At the appointed time, the conspirators, who had been given the password during the day, knocked at the palace gate, and were received there so much the more easily that Darnley himself, wrapped in a great cloak, awaited them at the postern by which they were admitted.

But of course I would not tell them the Password, and the cook said: "Be careful, Miss Bab. We are not playing. We are in terrable ernest." She did not sound like a cook at all, and she looked diferent, being very white and with to red spots on her cheeks. "So am I," I responded, although with shaking teeth. "And just wait until the Police hear of this and see what happens.

In the dusky light, for the moon was very young, and the flare of the torches made the shadows black and uncertain, no one recognized him; the few soldiers stationed about saw one of their own troopers, and offered him no opposition, made him no question. He knew the password; that was sufficient. The Levantine waiting near the entrance drew the tent-folds aside and signed to him to enter.

He had given his bag of medicines and implements to a man to carry ahead of him and had gone perhaps ten paces into the dark when a strong hand gripped him by the wrist. "Hush!" said a voice that seemed familiar. He turned swiftly and looked straight into the eyes of the Rangar Rewa Gunga! "How did you get here?" he asked in English. "Any fool could learn the password into this camp!

"Even a woman," she said impatiently, "knows that is not the way to win a fight to send for the enemy and give him all your weapons, and a plan of the fortifications, and the password; when you know there's no mercy to be hoped for!" He smiled at her simile, and at her earnestness also, perhaps; but that black gloom remained, looking out of his eyes. "What made you send for it? A whole gallon!"

But Boyce laughed, "No, no!" and Marigold left us. Boyce's ear listened for the click of the door. Then he turned to me. "I was rather mean in sending you in that password. But I felt as if I should go mad if I didn't see you. You're the only man living who really knows about me. You're the only human being who can give me a helping hand. It's strange, old man the halt leading the blind.