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They were all there Gertie and Adelaide, Ray and his mother, and Miss Greene, an unidentified girl from Minneapolis; all playing parcheesi, explaining that they thought it not quite proper to play cards on Sunday, but that parcheesi was "different." Ray winked at Carl as they said it. The general atmosphere was easy and livable. Carl found himself at home again.

As the game progressed, one after another reached the Central Square, but as Jim Kenerley got all four of his "Counters" in first he was declared winner. Then all ran into the Central Square and soon discovered that "Parcheesi" gave them a good appetite for tea and cakes. Soon after five the Spring Beach guests went home, charmed with the new game, and promising to play it again some day.

Checkers were used as counters, where in the outdoors pebbles would have served. "It's like parcheesi," Scotty explained to the girls. "You try to beat your opponent around the spaces on the board. The four sticks get thrown into the air, and you can move one space for every stick that lands flat side up.

If you move me on from here, of course I'll go; but I warn you I shall lie in wait for Mr. McGill just down this road. I'm here to sell this caravan of culture, and by the bones of Swinburne I think your brother's the man to buy it." My blood was up now, and I'll admit that I said my next without proper calculation. "Rather than have Andrew buy your old parcheesi," I said, "I'll buy it myself.

Always there was laughter in Number Six, merry jesting, ready repartee. So it became the mecca of those, who, even more assiduously than they chased the cure, sought after laughter and joy. In the parlors the guests played cards, but in Number Six, deferring silently to David's calling, they pulled out checkers and parcheesi, and fought desperate battles over the boards.

David and Carol laughed, and when the doctor went away, and David was safely in bed, Carol perched up beside him and they had a stirring game of parcheesi. But David soon tired, and lay very quietly all evening, eating no dinner, and talking very little. Telephone messages from "the members" came thick and fast, with offers of all kinds of tempting viands, and callers came streaming to the door.

Ogden, says I, 'you and me have got to get sociable. Sheep are all very well to dot the landscape and furnish eight-dollar cotton suitings for man, but for table-talk and fireside companions they rank along with five-o'clock teazers. If you've got a deck of cards, or a parcheesi outfit, or a game of authors, get 'em out, and let's get on a mental basis.

Duncan walked home with Josie on two weekday evenings and twice on Sundays, and learned how to play Halma and Parcheesi, as well as how long to linger at the front gate in the gloaming, saying good-night. Eight young women of the town set their caps for him, at one time or another and... set them back again, because he was too blind to see.

Daisy was next, and she chose Farnsworth, who went forward to receive his pink cap and sash. After a time each "Player" had chosen four counters, and the caps and sashes were all proudly worn. "Now we 'Players," Cromer directed, "stay here in our 'Homes, and we send out our 'Counters, just as if we were playing real parcheesi. Daisy, you throw your dice first."

By and by I couldn't stand it any longer. I went out to talk to that bald-headed pedlar. "See here," I said. "You're a pretty cool fish to make yourself so easy in my yard. I tell you I don't want you around here, you and your travelling parcheesi. Suppose you clear out of here before my brother gets back and don't be breaking up our happy family."