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Darrell is evidently a prime favorite with the ladies," he remarked, pleasantly. "Well, they don't want to try any of their prime favorite business on me," retorted Mr. Underwood, as he slowly turned and left the room. Both young men laughed, and Walcott, with an easy, nonchalant air, seated himself near Darrell.

There was a rather forceful sort of man appearing under the nonchalant David whom his friends had known for years. A wild pride stirred in Phoebe to such an extent that she caught her breath while she waited for the major's reply. "Yes, David," answered the major as he looked up at him with his keen old eagle eyes, "I think you are.

So have certain brave soldiers been known to smile in face of a death-shot. He advanced with his usual languid step and nonchalant air, and removing his cap, bowed gravely and courteously. "Let me be the first to offer my congratulations to the future Lady Errington! Phil, old man! . . . I wish you joy!"

Damsel, but his manner was entirely void of excitement, and his voice was calm and even, as he replied: "I expected he would do something of that sort." Mr. Damsel his excitement somewhat allayed by the nonchalant manner with which the detective had received the news seated himself on the sofa. Mr. Pinkerton read the letter carefully. It was headed "St.

Unlike the majority of half-breeds, he had a pronounced French manner, nonchalant and debonair. The Indian in him gave him coolness and nerve. His cheeks had a tinge of delicate red under their whiteness, like those of a woman. That was why he was called Pretty Pierre. The country had, however, felt a kind of weird menace in the name.

I never see anything pretty and neatly finished such as we used to do." The girl gave it in a tone of mimicry of the nonchalant voice, adding, with fresh imitation, "'And another did not approve of drawing from the life models might be such strange people." 'My ears were not equally open to their profanities, said Miss Mary.

All this nonchalant indefiniteness means nothing more, one suspects, than that the Brahmans have elected to keep the history of their country unknown to us poor Mlechhas. Then there are Others, too: the Guardians of Esotericism in a greater sense; who have not chosen so far that Indian history should be known. So we can only take dim foreshadowings, and make guesses.

He could but picture her tall, erect figure, outwardly composed and nonchalant, as she must have stood, facing the outer world, looking out to what to what? A mad hope rose in his breast. Would she turn to him? Would her instinctive steps lead her to seek his protection. Yes. He must be where she could find him; he must be within reach.

A large Danish war vessel approached the port of Bergen, with prisoners to hand over to the castellan the new castellan, for old Erick Rosenkrantz was dead. Chief of the captives was Bothwell, nonchalant but melancholy, pale, and more thoughtful than formerly; still, in pleasure and in sorrow, was he haunted by the shriek of the dying Darnley.

Instantly, as he caught sight of Carew, Kruger Bobs veiled his emotion and sought to become properly nonchalant. Nevertheless, it was plain that he had tidings to impart; and at length, over the top of Carew's head, he fell to making graphic, yet totally unintelligible, signs to his master. "What in thunder do you want, Kruger Bobs?" Weldon demanded.