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It seemed to me that it must be some personal experience, as if the writer had followed some dear friend there, although it was with the unostentation and indefiniteness of true and delicate feeling.

So, too, the problems that arise when we penetrate farther and farther into the ever more and more minute, and the indefiniteness of our thought-horizons in general should have the same effect. Intuitions of Reality. Forin feeling and intuition appearance points beyond itself to real being.” So ran our fifth proposition.

If we were to suppose each element ready to combine with any other indifferently, and indifferently in any quantity, we should have a world in which all would be confusion and indefiniteness. There would be no fixed kinds of bodies. Salts, and stones, and ores, would approach to and graduate into each other by insensible degrees.

"Yes, higher than that." "As high as the moon?" "No, not so high as the moon." "How high is it then, mother?" "About as high as birds can fly." "Oh!" says Johnny, perfectly satisfied. The answer is somewhat indefinite, it is true, but its indefiniteness is the chief element in the value of it.

This may account for the indefiniteness and mystery of effect often felt, as well as for the inartistic didacticism in the concluding sentences, frequently to be observed, where it appears as one or more afterthoughts possibly to be drawn from the story, but not exhausting its moral significance.

In other circumstances she would have preferred the lingering indefiniteness and the gradual developments which are perhaps the sweetest of all phases of love, but in the midst of danger, in the presence of death, there could be no hesitation, and Zulma concluded her long meditation with two practical resolves the first, an instant answer to the note, the second, the devising of means to meet Cary again during the progress of hostilities.

The ardour of those especially who had newly espoused the Unitarian view and found it precious to themselves may be easily understood, and they might be forgiven some impatience with the apparent apathy of those who had no great desire to multiply proselytes. Some of these eager spirits strove to rescue the body from what they evidently regarded as a paralysing indefiniteness.

Columba, In writing the early history of Ireland, one of the greatest difficulties which the historian great or small has to encounter is to be found in that curious unreality, that tantalizing sense of illusiveness and indefiniteness which seems to envelope every figure whose name crops up on his pages.

And so we parted, with a thousand things unsaid, on a note of ineffectuality, of suspense, of vague indefiniteness. And the next morning I received from her this brief missive, which threw me into a wild condition of joyous expectancy: "If you could meet me in the Church of St. Gilles at eleven o'clock this morning, I should like to have your advice upon a certain matter. Rosa."

"I'm so glad he's dead," said she. "I know the cruel man deserved his fate. He'll be off your mind, now, dear; and nobody can say you did it." It was one of those obscure days found only on the banks of Newfoundland. There was no sun, and yet no visible cloud; there was nothing, indeed, to test the vision by; there was no apparent fog, but sight was soon lost in a hazy indefiniteness.