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"Oh, no, miss; ye couldn't do that! I guess I can do ut fer ye. Ut's jes' a leetle ticklish. I reckon ef yer pa wuz to nab me ut'd go hard with me." "I wouldn't let him be hard on you," she replied earnestly. "And now I haven't said anything about a a about what we will call a reward for bringing me these porcelains.

"Jo and I, here, are half dead for sleep, and if we can put in a couple of hours or so, it will make new fellows of us." "What's to hinder? Why don't you lay down and sleep all you want to?" "It looks like running great risk for all three of us to commit ourselves to slumber when the Indians might steal in and nab every one of us." Worrell laughed.

He took the Major aside and spoke to him; most of the gentlemen round about saw that something serious had happened, from the alarmed look of the Major's face. Wagg said, "It's a bailiff come down to nab the Major," but nobody laughed at the pleasantry. "Hullo! What's the matter, Pendennis?" cried Lord Steyne, with his strident voice; "anything wrong?"

Great chance to nab me on a new job altogether. But he won't do it, Bunny; mark my words, he'll search the ship and search us all, when the loss is known; but he'll search in vain. And there's the skipper beckoning the whippersnapper to his cabin: the fat will be in the fire in five minutes!"

"I fervently wish it would; then we could nab that fellow beautifully with the boats." "Might we not try, sir, as it is?" inquired I eagerly.

"Why, he knows all about this island. You said so yourself. I just told him we'd get some grub to him to-morrow." "How?" "Told him we'd leave it at the foot of that tall pine at the far end of the island. Then he slipped out of the kitchen and disappeared." But Blent was a crafty old party and did not easily give up the pursuit of the young fellow he had come to the island to nab.

"'There's Heathcliff and a woman, yonder, under t' Nab, he blubbered, 'un' I darnut pass 'em." It is there, the end, in one line, charged with the vibration of the supernatural. One line that carries the suggestion of I know not what ghostly and immaterial passion and its unearthly satisfaction. And this book stands alone, absolutely self-begotten and self-born.

If we nab the propraetor and widow, with the coin and gems, the rumor or report of it is almost certain to warn the procurator with the raw gold so that he will elude us. Similarly if we get him, news of our presence will most likely reach and alarm the propraetor and the widow. If one comes ten days or even five before the other we can scarcely hope for complete success.

For the whole body of yeomanry, peasants and slaves, even the slaves of those proprietors keenest on the scent of the brigands and most eager to nab them, were leagued to bamboozle, thwart and oppose their masters and betters, and to aid the outlaws, to keep them posted on everything said and proposed by the loyal inhabitants, and to assist them in outwitting the authorities, the constabulary and all persons who sided with them.

This, I think, is especially true in regard to objects which we have heard much about, and exercised our imagination upon; the first view being a vain attempt to reconcile our idea with the reality, and at the second we begin to accept the thing for what it really is. Wordsworth's situation is really a beautiful one; and Nab Scaur behind his house rises with a grand, protecting air.