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The only remark he made when I gied him back the siller was, 'I maun be gratefu' man, that she did na curse me. The wife cam' in, an' he hid awa' the packet and slunk aff. The man looked degraded in his ain sight, an' sae wretched, that I pitied him frae my heart. "When I cam' home, Jeanie met me at the yet.

Mameena, Ma mee na, Ma meena!" and fell back dead. "Saduko has gone away," said Nandie, as she drew a blanket over his face. "But I wonder," she added with a little hysterical smile, "oh! how I wonder who it was the Spirit of Mameena told him that she loved Mameena, who was born without a heart?"

He always had his food in the stable, but his bed was on a mat outside Marjory's bedroom door. Then she went down the garden to find Peter. She found him just putting away his tools for the night. "Good-night, Peter," she said. "I just came to tell you I've got a friend, and also that Lisbeth's cross." "She cross! Na, na; that canna be, Miss Marjory.

"It does na light up a' the Abbey at since, to be sure," he would say, "but then you can shift it about and show the auld ruin bit by bit, whiles the moon only shines on one side." Honest Johnny Bower! so many years have elapsed since the time I treat of, that it is more than probable his simple head lies beneath the walls of his favorite Abbey.

This girl's testimony proves that the murderer could not have entered the room, from this floor," said Judge Basham. "Then he must have been concealed in the room," exclaimed Lyon, desperately. "Nay, nay! that will na do either, laird. Na mon was hid in the room. Mysel' looked into all the closets, and under the bed, and up the chimney, as I always do before I go to sleep. I could na sleep else.

Waverley, he was naething sae weel fa'rd as the puir Colonel. 'Do you know what is become of Miss Bradwardine's father? 'The auld laird? na, naebody kens that.

From these exploits he was called Art na Caislean, a remarkable distinction, when we remember that the Irish were, up to this time, wholly unskilled in besieging such strongholds as the Norman engineers knew so well how to construct.

Na, na; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, life for life, blood for blood it's the law of man, and it's the law of God. Leave me, sirs leave me I maun warstle wi' this trial in privacy and on my knees." Jeanie, now in some degree restored to the power of thought, joined in the same request.

I ha' tould you so scores o' times. She woant take it from me. She sets her jaws that fast that horses could na pull 'em apart, and all the while I'm trying she keeps oop a growl like t' organ at the church. She's a' right wi'out the physic, and well nigh pinned Mrs. Brice when she came in to-day to borrow a flatiron. She was that frighted she skirled out and well nigh fainted off.

Na, na; Davie's no just like other folk, puir fallow; but he's no sae silly as folk tak him for.