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They differ from other fevers not only by being neither contagious nor infectious but also by their readiness to return, while a single attack of any of the others furnishes a guarantee, and often a complete guarantee, against its recurrence. =Mumps.= It has been questioned whether that painful but not dangerous ailment the mumps, ought or ought not to be classed with these fevers.

And how can he possibly know that hugging's a sign of love? Harry, how can he? Take him and hold him up like that and see if he hugs you the same. He is! He is! Isn't he?" "Mice and Mumps," said Harry, "he is; he's throttling me, the tiger." "Ah, give him back, I'm jealous. There's never, never been a hugger like him since the world began. He's Huggo. That's his name.

The porter from the next car came in and whispered to him. The conductor rose unhappily. "Next car's caught the disease," he grumbled. "Doctor, a woman back there has got mumps or bubonic plague, or something. Will you come back?" The strange porter stood aside. "Lady about the middle of the car," he said, "in black, sir, with queer-looking hair sort of copper color, I think, sir."

"How ridiculous if it had been the mumps, or if the newspapers had said, 'On account of the whooping-cough, Mr. Brewster did not attend his ball." "You don't mean to say the ball is off, of course," and Harrison was really alarmed. "Not a bit of it, Nopper," said Monty. "It's what I've been wanting all along. You chaps do the handshaking and I stay at home."

He told them of several of the former pupils of Putnam Hall, including Fenwick better known as Mumps, who he said was now working in a Chicago hotel. "You boys can rest assured of one thing," said Dan Baxter during the course of the conversation, "if I can ever do you a good turn I'll do it, no matter what it costs me." "That is very kind to say, Dan," answered Dick.

"Don't!" shrieked Mumps, and dropped out of sight behind the mainmast of the Flyaway. The toady had scarcely uttered the word when a loud report rang out, and a pistol bullet cut its way through the mainsail of the Searchlight. Baxter had fired his gun, but had taken good can to point the weapon over the Rover boys' heads.

"Take her below!" roared Baxter angrily, as he turned to Mrs. Goss, who had followed Dora to the dock. "Didn't I tell you to keep a close eye on her?" "She said she wished to speak to you," answered the woman. "I thought she wanted to make terms with you." Mrs. Goss caught Dora by the wrist and, assisted by Mumps, carried her below.

"What'll you take, Billy, to lemme get 'em?" he asked, his commercial spirit at once aroused. "What'll you gimme?" asked he of the salable commodity, with an eye to a bargain. Ikey pulled out a piece of twine and a blue glass bead from his pocket and offered them to the child with the mumps. These received a contemptuous rejection.

Then she turned again to the story of her wrongs. "And of all the pest holes I ever seen, this is the plum worst. There's chills an' fever an' typhoid till you can't rest, an' them kids is abustin' with measles an' mumps an' scarlet fever. That I ain't got 'em all myself's a miracle."

He loves his parent, and when that imp of a Rover got Mr. Baxter into trouble Daniel was very much exercised over it." "Gracious, but that's rich," murmured Dick. "I got him into trouble. I guess the rascal did that for himself." "Well, we won't talk about that, professor," went on Mumps. "You didn't stay in Chicago long."