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"There are thousands of them. I've discovered that this last few weeks. One thing is gained. You do increase your vocabulary. You must have different adjectives to express your admiration of each kind. What do you Middlers plan to do commencement week?" Elizabeth looked down her nose. She could appear very innocent when she chose. "There was some mention made of a banquet," she replied.

The girls flitting through the dormitories were Middlers and Freshmen. Confident that she was safe from interference, Elizabeth, her white gown trailing after her, started forth for the chapel. Nancy Eckdahl and Mame Welch joined her at the foot of the stairway. "Don't I look like a boiled lobster?" cried Nancy. "But this was the only dress anywhere near my size. It's Nora O'Day's.

Like a flash, she covered the letter; but I saw enough to help us out. The letter was addressed to Achenbach. I saw the word 'Wednesday." "That settles it; for Nancy Eckdahl was making out a menu in chapel yesterday, and the Middlers who take water-colors are painting place-cards." "What had best be done? I'd like to have them send on the banquet and lead the delivery men off somewhere else."

It represents our lamented Middlers as they stood before the world. They were so verdant! "As to the age of the departed class, both much and little might be said. The records show that as a class they existed just ten short months; to the faculty and Seniors it seems like ten long years.

Meantime the two middlers had shoveled out the road down to the mail-box on the street so that I ran up on bare earth, the very wheels of the car conscious of the love behind the shovels, of the speed and energy it took to get the long job done before I should arrive. "How did she come up?" calls Beebum as he opens the house door for me, his cheeks still glowing with the cold and exercise.

"We may try it, anyhow." "I hope you will. I should like to feast my friends at the Middlers' expense." Elizabeth brought up the subject of the banquet again and again. Apparently inadvertently, she let drop many little points about the affair which were eagerly seized upon by her roommate. Mary was surprised at Elizabeth's want of discretion. She seemed prone to let many a class secret escape.

"I never have quarreled with anyone and I have no desire to begin now." She was much taller than before. She was really quite an impressive person when she was on her dignity. "Well?" she asked, turning to Elizabeth as the door closed after Min. Her manner and facial expression added, "If you have anything to say, you little insignificant member of the Middlers, say it.

"The Seniors, too, did all that lay in their power to enlighten these Middlers both intellectually and morally. But our efforts were like 'casting pearls before swine. The Middlers were not only no better for our efforts, but seemed wholly unconscious that they stood in need of moral and intellectual support. "Yet none of us regret the work that we did in their behalf.

The excellent spirit with which the Seniors took their imprisonment was quite enough to awaken suspicion in the minds of Middlers had they been in a cautious mood. But they were too uplifted with their recent success to think of aught else. Beside, there was little time now for planning and executing vengeance. Dr. Morgan gave a tea to the Seniors and their friends late that afternoon.

You see, their idea is to get the Middlers used to public speaking so that they will appear well when they are Seniors. All the experiences or lessons Middlers ever get are given them in order to fit them to be Seniors." The lunch had been progressing during the chatter. A few drumsticks and several slices of cake remained to show what had been.