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"So you didn't have the curiosity to follow him?" "No, because the moment he had turned his back all my interest in the man somehow seemed to vanish." "Probably because he was useless to you." Corpang glanced at Maskull. "Our road is marked out for us." "So it would appear," said Maskull indifferently. The talk flagged for a time. Maskull felt the silence oppressive, and grew restless.

Sleep here tonight, Spadevil, and in the morning go back to where you have come from. No one shall harm you." Spadevil's ironic smile was lost in the gloom. "Shall I brood again, Maskull, for still another year, and after that come back to Sant with other truths? Come, waste no time, but choose the heavier stone for me, for I am stronger than Tydomin."

"He need not be in such a hurry.... What do these pillars seem like to you?" "They might be the entrance to some mighty temple. Who can have planted them there?" She did not answer. They watched Corpang gain the summit of the hill, and disappear through the line of posts. Maskull turned again to Sullenbode. "Now we two are alone in a lonely world." She regarded him steadily.

Her voice was rich, slow, and odd. Maskull felt himself in a dream. "My name is Maskull." She motioned to him to come a step nearer. "Listen, Maskull. Man after man has drawn me into the world, but they could not keep me there, for I did not wish it. But now you have drawn me into it for all time, for good or evil."

Some were perpendicular, but others dipped so much that an aspect of extreme antiquity was given to the entire colonnade. Corpang was seen climbing the hill, not far from the top. "He wishes to arrive," said Maskull, watching the energetic ascent with a rather cynical smile. "The heavens won't open for Corpang," returned Sullenbode.

The shrowk slackened speed, and came to earth on the mainland, exactly at the gateway of the isthmus. They both descended Maskull with aching thighs. "What shall we do with the monster?" asked Oceaxe. Without waiting for a suggestion, she patted its hideous face with her hand. "Fly away home! I may want you some other time."

"How do you mean?" "You'll see. You'll renounce the world so eagerly that you'll want to stay in the world merely to enjoy your sensations." Gangnet smiled. "Krag, you see, is hard to please. You must neither enjoy, nor renounce. What are you to do?" Maskull turned toward Krag. "It's very odd, but I don't understand your creed even yet. Are you recommending suicide?"

"The night is really past at last, Nightspore.... The day is here." Nightspore gazed long and earnestly at Maskull's body. "Why was all this necessary?" "Ask Crystalman," replied Krag sternly. "His world is no joke. He has a strong clutch but I have a stronger... Maskull was his, but Nightspore is mine." The fog thickened so that the two suns wholly disappeared, and all grew as black as night.

Maskull and Nightspore took the places allotted to them. Mrs. Trent kept stealing uneasy glances at them. Throughout the entire incident, Mozart's hymn continued to be played. The orchestra also had heard nothing. Backhouse now entered on his task. It was one that began to be familiar to him, and he had no anxiety about the result.

The water at the sides and end was shallow, and choked with dolm-colored rushes; but in the middle, beginning a few yards from the shore, there was a perceptible current away from them. In view of this current, it was difficult to decide whether it was a lake or a river. Some little floating islands were in the shallows. "Is it here that we take to the water?" inquired Maskull.