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Yes, it was true; he saw it himself and heard it on every side. It would take the fingers of both hands to count those who were frankly enamoured, beginning with Carlos and Manuel. But it was at this point that the vague trouble came in. And it was Pepita herself who caused it, by her treatment of her adorers.

Before the return of La Condamine to his own country, the voyage of Father Manuel Roman, and the fortuitous meeting of the missionaries of the Orinoco and the Amazon, left no doubt of this fact, the knowledge of which was first obtained by Acunha.

She glanced at Manuel himself to see how he accepted this sudden change in his fortunes, but he was entirely absorbed in watching Henri and Babette lead their little crippled friend away. After all, there was nothing to be said. The Cardinal was a free agent, he had a perfect right to befriend a homeless boy and give him sustenance and protection if he chose.

Finally Manuel reached bottom, saying that he had contacted Alvarez. For some minutes nothing came through either telephone but the sound of the submerged men's breathing. "I see something, Señor! A rock 'que grande'!" came to Tom's ears suddenly. "It must indeed be that which the Señor seeks. But, Santa Maria! there is something else !" Manuel's voice broke off suddenly. "Captain Britten!

El Interprete sprang to his feet and strode over to Manuel, who, in an excess of fury seized him with both hands by the neck, kicked him in the leg with his right heel, made him lose his balance and threw him to the ground. There he thumped him violently.

Most famous among the leaders were Boniface II, Marquis of Montferrat, and Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders. Venice joined the crusaders under the lead of her doge, Henry Dandolo, then more than ninety years old. When ambassador at the Byzantine court he was blinded by order of the emperor Manuel I, and revenge was probably one of the motives which took him again to the East.

"If He come again, you think He would be grieved and disappointed in His followers?" queried Manuel softly. "If He came again, I fear He would not find much of His teaching in any of the creeds founded on His name! If He came again, then indeed might the churches tremble, totter and fall!" "If He came again," pursued Manuel, still in the same soft, even voice, "how do you think He would come?"

His wife turned to speak to Manuel, and, yielding to the unconquerable anxiety his reckless manner awoke, Pauline whispered below her breath as she bent as if to watch the work, "Gilbert, follow your first impulse, and go tomorrow." "Nothing shall induce me to." "I warn you harm will come of it." "Let it come; I am past fear now." "Shun me for Babie's sake, if not for your own."

Leandro and Manuel greeted her with exceeding timidity and awkwardness; they shook hands with Roberto and conversed. "My cousin," said Roberto, "would like to see something of slum life hereabouts." "Whenever you wish," answered Leandro. "But I warn you beforehand that there are some pretty tough specimens in this vicinity."

Say, why so long concealed the blissful flame? Stranger to fear ill-brooked thy princely heart One thought unuttered. DON MANUEL. Ever on the wing Is mortal joy; with silence best we guard The fickle good; but now, so near the goal Of all my cherished hopes, I dare to speak. To-morrow's sun shall see her mine! no power Of hell can make us twain!