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So slender waist with such an abbot's loin, Did never sober nature sure conjoin. Lik'st a strawn scare-crow in the new-sown field, Reared on some stick, the tender corn to shield. Or if that semblance suit not every dale, Like a broad shake-fork with a slender steel Despiséd nature suit them once aright, Their body to their coat, both now misdight.

"Thou say'st thou art my grand-child, Ghita the daughter of my son Francesco?" "Signore, I am, as all tell me as my heart tells me and as I believe." "And thou look'st upon these opinions as unworthy unsuited, if thou lik'st that better to this solemn moment, and considerest the manner of a death a matter of indifference, even to a soldier?"

An' thee sha't put on thy Sunday cloose when thee lik'st for me I'll ne'er plague thee no moor about'n." "Well, well; good-bye, mother," said Adam, kissing her and hurrying away. He saw there was no other means of putting an end to the dialogue. Lisbeth stood still on the spot, shading her eyes and looking after him till he was quite out of sight.

"And I will never give thee back thy freedom. Take it if thou lik'st. The absent are always forgotten. How could I expect thee to be true?" Morva began to cry silently. "I see I have set my heart upon a fickle, cruel woman, one who, after years of faithful promises, forgets me, and wishes to take back her vows.

"I don't know much yet, Bill, but I hopes to know a goodish deal some day." "And thou really lik'st reading, Jack? I hate it," John Jordan said. "I didn't like it ower much at first," Jack answered, "but as I got on I liked it more and more. I wish you chaps had the chances I had. It isn't every one who would take the pains wi' a fellow as Merton took wi' me." "What ud be t' good o't?"

Nay, child! if thou lik'st to be stifled in a nasty close room, learning things as is of no earthly good when they is learnt, instead o' riding on Job Donkin's hay-cart, it's thy look-out, not mine. She's a little vixen, isn't she? smiling at Miss Eyre, as she finished her speech. But the poor governess saw no humour in the affair; the comparison of Molly to a hen-sparrow was lost upon her.

"Thee wouldstna go to work again, wi'out ha'in thy bit o' supper?" Adam, too angry to speak, walked into the workshop. But his mother threw down her knitting, and, hurrying after him, took hold of his arm, and said, in a tone of plaintive remonstrance, "Nay, my lad, my lad, thee munna go wi'out thy supper; there's the taters wi' the gravy in 'em, just as thee lik'st 'em.

"Eh, thee't do as thee lik'st, for thy old mother's got no right t' hinder thee. She's nought but th' old husk, and thee'st slipped away from her, like the ripe nut." "Well, Mother," said Adam, "I'll go and tell the captain as it hurts thy feelings for me to stay, and I'd rather go home upo' that account: he won't take it ill then, I daresay, and I'm willing."

And then she talks o' the weather bein' i' fault, as there's folks 'ud stand on their heads and then say the fault was i' their boots." "Well, Chowne's been wanting to buy Sally, so we can get rid of her if thee lik'st," said Mr.