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"'Do go away, and don't talk nonsense, she said, larfing; and when she larfed den I know she was pleased. "'So clams mind me of chickens. "'And whiskey, she said. "'Well, it do, Missus; dat are a fac; and I helped myself agin dis way." "Sorrow," said I, "this is too bad; go forward now and cut this foolery short. You will be too drunk to cook the dinner if you go on that way." Yah, yah, yah.

Lord, Lord! We larfed nigh to split ourselves that arternoon; we was all makin' 'ay an' th' owld Squire was workin' wi' us for fun-like. 'I don't think much o' God, father! sez Miss Maryllia, runnin' up to 'im, an' liftin' up all 'er petticuts an' shewin' the purtiest little legs ye ever seed; 'Nurse sez He made the wopses! He-ee-ee-hor-hor- hor!"

I screeched right out, and shut my eyes, and let de candle fall. When I opened 'em again missus had come out of her room, wid a shawl over her and a lamp in her hand. "'What yer doin' dar? says she. "I up and telled her 'bout de man and woman, and she larfed in my face. "'Whar be dey? says she. 'Dar's nobody here but us.

He was a shew, and when he got up to his hoss, and held on to his mane, and first lifted up one leg and then the other to let the water run out of his boots. I couldn't hold in no longer, but laid back and larfed till I thought on my soul I'd fall off into the river too.

Give it to her, I hope it is big enough to cover it. And he fell back on the bed, and larfed and coughed, and coughed and larfed, till the tears ran down his cheeks. "Yes," said Mr. Slick, "yes, Squire, this is a pretty cottage of Marm Hodgins; but we have cottages quite as pretty as this, our side of the water, arter all. They are not all like Obi Rafuses, the immigrant.

My sentiments are not altogether favourable to that art. I delivered a lecture on photographic portraiture at Coolspring; and I described it briefly as justice without mercy. The audience took the idea; they larfed, they did. Larfin' reminds me of Amelius. Do you object to his being a Christian Socialist, miss?" The young lady's look, when she answered the question, was not lost on Rufus.

"Never mind," sez Albert Edard, "I'm glad to see you, Mister Ward, at all events," & he tuk my hand so plesunt like & larfed so sweet that I fell in love with him to onct. He handid me a segar & we sot down on the Pizarro & commenst smokin rite cheerful. "Wall," sez I, "Albert Edard, how's the old folks?" "Her Majesty & the Prince are well," he sed. "Duz the old man take his Lager beer reglar?"

Thur wur two or dree gentlemen in, an' thay larfed at the fizzle an' I. It seemed to meak me veel merryish, an' I zed, "What's to pay, young 'ooman?" She sed, "Thirteen shillin's, sur." "Thirteen scaramouches!" I sed. "What vor?"

"'Parley vous French, sais I, 'Mountsheer? At that, they sot to, and larfed again more than ever, I thought they would have gone into the high strikes, they hee-hawed so. "Well, one on 'em, that was a Duke, as I found out afterwards, said 'O yees, Saar, we spoked English too. "'Lawful heart! sais I, 'what's the joke?

Then Dick Somers, he knocked down Harry's little sister Fan, as she came running across th' ice, and larfed out when she cried a great brute so I licked he till he couldn't see out o' his eyes." "He's bigger nor thee, too," Mrs. Haden said admiringly.