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The Prince and the gentleman who accompanied us wore a gaudy uniform like a livery, which we were told was the Chantilly uniform, and that at each palace belonging to the Prince there was a different uniform worn by him and his court. At Paris we were received with the kindest hospitality by M. and Mme. Arago.

"The doctor had visited her about five minutes previously and had applied a blister. "You and your sister will I am sure excuse further details at present and believe me with kindest remembrances to remain "Yours truly, &c."

But the Spaniards were too terrified at what they had done, or at what they had failed to do, to further commit themselves. "Tie us and gag us," one of them begged. "Let them find us so. It is the kindest thing you can do for us." "Thank you, sir," said Clay. "That is what I wanted to know. They are coming to-night, then. We must hurry."

"It isn't a partnership, of course; but he thinks I can be of use to him." "I know you can!" Annie adventured. "We are very busy getting ready nearly everybody else is gone and mother sent her kindest regards you know she don't make calls and I just ran up to tell you. Well, good-bye!" "Good-bye! Give my love to your mother, and to your-to Miss Chapley." "I will."

"Why didn't you want to see the Dorsets? They are the kindest friends we have in the world," said Ursula. "How is papa? Is he in a good humour? And the rest? Why did not some more come to meet me? I made sure there would be four at least." "Amy and Robin have gone out to tea they didn't want to go; but papa insisted. Oh, he is very well on the whole.

"He is the kindest the best of human beings!" said Camilla, rather evasively, but with more warmth than usually dwelt in her soft and low voice. "Is he so kind?" returned Spencer, musingly. "Well, it may be so. And who would not be kind to you? Ah! it is a beautiful connexion that of brother and sister I never had a sister!"

Me for the laundry, and a good front, with big iron dollars clinkin' in my jeans. I seen a girl already, just yesterday, and, d'ye know, I'm feelin' already I'd just as soon marry her as not. I've ben whistlin' all day at the thought of it. She's a beaut, with the kindest eyes and softest voice you ever heard. Me for her, you can stack on that.

But Catharine struggled in his embrace; and as her efforts implied alarmed modesty rather than maidenly coyness, her bashful lover suffered her to escape a grasp from which twenty times her strength could not have extricated her. "Nay, be not angry, good Henry," said Catharine, in the kindest tone, to her surprised lover. "I have paid my vows to St.

She clung, even as in childhood, to her mother's neck, and as she wept, felt yet more bitterly the infatuated folly of her conduct in having for a moment forsaken the guidance of her true and kindest friend, for the apparently more pleasing, because flattering, confidence of one whom she now knew to be false and utterly deceiving. "But may he not still claim me?" she wildly exclaimed.

They attend Synagogue at break of day in the house of their host. "Thanks to Providence," Mr Montefiore says, "I feel better, though still very weak." They receive visits from the head and representatives of the Spanish Hebrew community, also from the head and representatives of the German Hebrew community, all making the kindest offers of their services.