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But it did not matter very much anyway, for we quickly discovered that our box of oranges had at some time been frozen; that our box of apples was mushy and spoiling; that the crate of cabbages, spoiled before it was ever delivered to us, had to go overboard instanter; that kerosene had been spilled on the carrots, and that the turnips were woody and the beets rotten, while the kindling was dead wood that wouldn't burn, and the coal, delivered in rotten potato-sacks, had spilled all over the deck and was washing through the scuppers.

He took the liberty of loudly poking Gus's decaying fire, whereat the young gentleman sprang up instanter. "I knocked, Todd, but I suppose you were thinking too deeply to hear me." "Sorry, sir," said Gus, hurriedly getting the master a chair, "and, as a matter of fact, I was thinking." "Yes!" "What an awful ass I've been, sir!"

At first it would appear that the bailiff had gone upon his old plan, shrugging up his shoulders to the men at the master's meanness, while he praised to the landlord the condition of his tenants; but this could not long deceive, so he turned instanter on another tack; he assumed the despot, issuing authoritative edicts, which no one dared to disobey; he made the labourer hide his needs, and intercepted at its source the lord's benevolence; he began to be found out, so the bolder spirits said, in filching with both hands from man and master; and, to the mind of more than one shrewd observer, was playing the unjust steward to admiration.

Our jealous worries are the poisonous weeds of life's garden and should be rooted out instanter, and kept out, until not a sign of them can again be found. Solomon sang that "jealousy is as cruel as the grave; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame."

When young Bourne comes, you're to ask for £7 10s. And you're to be an adamantine Jew; you're to have the money instanter, or there'll be a rumpus." "I twig. Make it seven guineas, though," said Raffles, generously. "Seven guineas! So be it. You can suggest that, unless you get the cash, you would see Moore." "Corker, D.D.? I'm on." "Or Bourne, senior." "The shaver's brother.

I shake hands, with him and remind him that I am somewhat hungry; whereupon he orders a villager to forthwith contribute six eggs, another butter to fry them in, and a third bread; a tezek fire is already burning, and with his own hands he fries the eggs, and makes my ragged audience stand at a respectful distance while I eat; if I were to ask him, he would probably clear the room of them instanter.

I expostulated with my master, and urged him, with all the pleas and arguments at my command, to allow me to remain on the plantation or go to Pontotoc, but to no avail. He whipped out his six-shooter, raving and swearing, and bade me mount one of two mules instanter or he would shoot me on the spot. I mounted the mule. My reasons for not wanting to go to the railroad to work were good.

A swift rub down with a crash towel, a rapid donning of rude walking togs and off, instanter, for a mile climb up one of the trails, a scramble over a rocky way to some hidden Sierran lake, some sheltered tree nook, some elevated outlook point, and, after feasting the eyes on the glories of incomparable and soul-elevating scenes, he returns to camp, eats a hearty breakfast, with a clear conscience, a vigorous appetite aided by hunger sauce, guided by the normal instincts of taste, all of which have been toned up by the morning's exercise what wonder that such an one radiates Life and Vim, Energy and Health, Joy and Content.

They think that providence is allers on the look out to do them some good turn. "'What do you charge, Mr. Browne? says they, instanter. "Oh, a mere trifle, say I, instanter. Jist half-a-dollar a quarter part in cash, part in produce. "''Tis cheap, says they agin. "Tew little, says I, by half. "'Well, the children shall go, says the old man. 'Missus, you see to it.

"Hands 'bout ship!" he roared out the instant the pilot had spoken, the mate and boatswain repeating as before the order after him in turn, and the man at the wheel putting down the helm instanter. "Helm's a lee!" shouted the skipper, the head sheets being let go as he spoke, and the jib flattened on the vessel going into stays.