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Nevertheless, having gone so far in the matter as to bring her to, I was determined to board her and get a sight of her papers; a Spanish vessel might hoist American colours if she happened to find herself in a tight corner and believed that she might thereby escape.

When the scientific sharps came to examine it, Sam would hoist the trunk up in the air while he drew their attention to the marvelous whiteness of the under side, and no one caught on to the fact that the end of the trunk was the natural color.

"Go to the office and get your time. And be quick about it, too." "Did ye mean me?" the man asked impudently, but Bannon, without heeding, went over to the hoist. Presently a rough hand fell on his shoulder. "Say," demanded Reilly again, "did ye mean me?" "No doubt of that. Go and get your time." "I guess not," said the man. "Not me. My hammer just slipped.

We now commanded them to hoist out their launch; but they answered, that their tackle and rigging were so shattered that they could not possibly comply; wherefore I sent Mr Randall and two or three more in our canoe, who found all her people most submissively asking mercy.

"Hoist away, man, I cannot do it alone." "I am a-hysting, sir, but the tackle's got foul somehow. It's this here rough rope. The yard won't move." "Tut tut try, man, try." "All right, sir, I'll swarm up the the mast, and set it free." "But there is no time, my man. Haul haul."

She was immensely beamy for her length, and very shallow, drawing only ten feet of water with all her stores and ammunition on board, very heavily sparred too heavily, some of us thought and, as for canvas, her topsails had the hoist of those of a frigate of twice her tonnage.

Being port engineer, he investigated the engine room and found that his favorite monkey wrench had been lost; there were two leaky tubes in the main boiler; the ash hoist was out of kilter; his successor in the Narcissus was carrying ten pounds of steam less than Terence used to carry; and there was something not quite right with the condenser.

I was brought back to the present by my uncle giving me a hearty slap on the shoulder. "Ready to begin again, Nat?" he cried. "Yes, uncle," I said eagerly. "It seems like the old days come back." "Ship the rudder, then, while I hoist the sail. The skipper may be right, so let's make use of this soft breeze to get to the mainland before the calm leaves us at the mercy of the currents."

"If Linder is his name," Whistler said, when the boys were afterward talking it over among themselves, "I hope I'll see him again some time. He was never blown up with the dam, that is sure." "You don't think he was 'hoist with his own petard, then?" suggested Torry. "Hear the high-brow!" sniffed Frenchy. "Oi, oi!" cried Ikey. "He means was he blown up, too? I bet not!"

Arlt plays like an artist; but he blushes, and he forgets to keep his cuffs in sight. He is as unworldly as he is conventional. Society doesn't care to fuss with him." Thayer looked grave. "I am having my own share of good times, Dane. It seems as if I ought to be able " Bobby interrupted him. "You can't. No man can hoist his brother into success. It is bound to be every man for himself.