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"'Agricultural Claimants Entitled to Full Protection," she read hearteningly from the index, and turned hastily to see what was to be said about it. It happened to be another decision rendered in a letter, and they jubilated together over the sentiment conveyed therein. "Now, here is what I was telling you, Grant," she said suddenly, after another long minute of studying silently the index.

And Maria knew that her adored young mistress was in sore trouble, and that she could do nothing to help only love her. "There, drink your cup o' tea, miss, and you'll feel better," she said hearteningly. "A body feels different with a cup o' tea inside. I suppose you've heard the news since Mr. Forrester himself was here only yesterday?"

What did she and Bert care about neighbourhoods and the casual dictates of fashion? They were a world in themselves, and they needed no other company. "Everyone said that we'd never get this far," Bert reminded her hearteningly. She was immediately reassured, and fell to enthusiastic planning for Christmas. It was their first Christmas, and they spent it alone together.

"Oh, I don't know; three or four days ago why, Thursday, it must have been, for after I got through with Briggs I went on to that " "And this is Monday," said Lydia; "four days." At the sight of her sister-in-law's troubled eyes, Madeleine was again overcome with facile remorse. She clapped her on the shoulder hearteningly. "I'm awfully sorry, Lyd, but don't you go being afraid of Paul.

Casey told me that a turtle starting nose to nose with William would have had to pull in his feet and wait for him every half mile or so. William must have been very thirsty, too. The light burned steadily, hearteningly. Whenever they crawled to high ground where a view was possible, Casey saw it there, just under a certain star which he had used for a marker at first.

Anyway, you can forget what I've said, if you'll feel more comfortable. It's up to Pete and me, and we'll put it over smooth, or we won't do it at all. Bobby won't realize it's happened till he hears from it afterwards. Neither will you." He turned his grease-painted face toward her hearteningly and smiled as endearingly as the sinister, painted lines would allow.

"Seems to be such a smell of PAINT," said the younger Miss Peet. "Well, that's just trying out the radiators," Martie said hearteningly. "It won't last. Did you get caught?" "Sister did; I got home just before it started. It seems to me we're having rain early this year " "We had had two inches at this time last year," said old Colonel Fox.

The splendour of the morning had soothed his nerves, and the faint wind that blew inshore from the sea spoke to him hearteningly of adventure and romance. There was a jar of pot-pourri on the drawing-room table, and he had derived considerable pleasure from sniffing at it. In short, Jno. Peters was in the pink, without a care in the world, until he had looked out of the window and seen Billie.

Give me a part and a gun and I'll stand on a ladder behind that hotel window and shoot 'em as fast as they can turn the corner down there." Her brown eyes twinkled hearteningly at him. "I'll pull my hair down, and yell and shoot and wring my hands Pink, you keep still! I'm positive I can shoot and wring my hands at the same time in a Bently Brown story, can't I, Luck?"

Far ahead loomed a cluster of square, black objects which must be the ranch buildings of the Quirt, and Lorraine's spirits lightened a little. What a surprise her father and all his cowboys would have when she walked in upon them! It was almost worth the walk, she told herself hearteningly. She hoped that dad had a good cook.