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I find, after having tried nearly every sort of shoe for tennis, that the simple white gymnasium shoe suits me best. Most players use a proper tennis shoe or boot with a thick sole. I have tried these, but find they make me much slower in court and are not as comfortable as the "gym" shoe.

"Hurry up, Jean, or we shall get in before you do." "You sophomore ushers look like a St. Patrick's Day parade." "Tell the people in there that their clocks are slow." "All right," said Jean, hanging on to her unmanageable paper hat. As she passed the end of the line, Beatrice Egerton detached herself from it, and followed her around the corner of the gym. "Oh, Miss Eastman," she coaxed.

The call was for three o'clock Thursday afternoon, at the gym. "Humph!" was the audible and only comment of Bayliss, as he stood before the school bulletin board at recess and read the announcement. "I guess the day for football here has gone by," observed Porter sneeringly. "Of interest to ragamuffins only," sneered Paulson, as he turned away to join Fremont of the senior class.

When the boys got back to the Hall they found that the majority of their friends had gone to bed. Only Stuffer Singleton was up, reading a novel by the light of a wax-candle he had smuggled up to the room. "Hello! have a good time?" queried the boy who loved to eat, as he cast aside the volume. "Bang up," answered Jack, and then he went on quickly. "Stuffer, were you near the gym this afternoon?"

"There was another girl, and her name was Daisy. She seemed perfect till I discovered that she prized her own vanity more highly than my happiness. She refused to take gym work the third hour when I was obliged to have it. She said the shower bath spoiled the wave in her hair, and so she chose the sixth hour class. Yet she knew very well that I had Latin at that period.

Why would she rig up in Sanford's gym jersey?" "Why wouldn't she?" countered Stone. "As I said, we're building up a supposititious case. Assume that it was Mrs, Embury, not at all enacting a ghost, but merely wandering around after her impulsive deed for if she is the guilty party it must have been an impulsive deed. You know her uncontrollable temper her sudden spasms of rage " "Mr.

Then Bob's pet collie did an act, and the juggler juggled, in his turban, and some gym "stars" did turns on bars and swings. And there was an abundance of peanuts and pink lemonade, and a clown and a band; and Emily's introductions were alone well worth the price of admission.

When the News got out all the sis-boom-ah Boys gave a Parade in their Nighties. The Faculty called a Special Meeting and made Brad a Doctor of Philosophy. Next Year he put up for a Gym and they made him a Doctor of Divinity. The Year Following he handed them a Telescope and became an LL.D. Every time he coughed he was made some new kind of Doctor.

"Yes, Massa Archy, dem's um in de gym shum. Dat's jes what I say, massa in de gym-shum." "Go up and get them; and mind you don't keep me waiting all day," continued Archy, who was not equal to the effort of making the boy pronounce the word correctly. Cyd darted off with a speed that promised the best results.

The roads were hidden under inches of slush, the gutters were miniature brooks, and the ground seemed to be completely covered by a thick coating of red, oozy mud. Polly, an empty basket over one arm, was picking her way gingerly along the back road that led from the farm. As she came in sight of the gym, Betty met her. "Hello, where are you going?" she demanded.