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It was that evening that Draycott and a pal watched the sun go down over Gozo from St. Paul's Bay, where the statue stands in the sea, and the shallow blue water ripples against the white sandstone. "My God! it can't be true!" His companion turned to him, and his eyes were tired. "It can't be true. We're b " And his lips would not frame the word.

They were soon joined by Gozo, who had thrown the second waterbok killed by Lionel across his horse. As he had no shoes, and his legs were bare, he walked farther across the ford, and he and his horse followed their example. Presently he shouted out in Kaffir, and Lionel exclaimed "He says that he sees a crocodile, and there may be more near.

"The chances are our horses are among them," cried Denis, as they rode down the slope; "yes, yes, I see them! I am sure they are ours; and, hurrah, there too is old Gozo safe and sound. He has caught sight of us, and, depend on it, is planning how he can best get clear of those fellows near him." "You are right," said Hendricks, and he shouted his follower's name.

These had risen against the French during the summer, and now held them shut up in La Valetta. The adjacent island of Gozo surrendered to the British on the 28th. Hood continued in charge off Alexandria with three ships-of-the-line; while the Ionian Islands were left to themselves, until a combined Russian and Turkish squadron entered the Mediterranean a few weeks later.

"All right," said Jack; "but still let us reconnoitre. It's not a farm-house; it must belong to a person of some consequence all the better they will see that we are gentlemen, notwithstanding our tattered dress. I suppose we are to stick to the story of the sea-mews at Gozo?" "Yes," replied Gascoigne; "I can think of nothing better.

Gozo, looking round, seemed to think the same, for throwing himself on horseback, he urged on his animal to the bank. He was only just in time, for the crocodile came on rapidly. "Shout, shout!" cried Denis, and they all shouted together.

They carried some of the meat, both of the buffalo and wildebeest, with them, but to eat it would have been impossible until they had quenched their thirst. At last Gozo shouted out, "See, see! there is the water!" and they caught sight below them of a stream glittering in the sun as it wound its way through the broad valley.

For a short distance Gozo staggered on faster than he had done for some time previously, but again his feet moved slower and slower, until coming to a tree he begged that he might lie down under it in the shade and rest. "But rest means delay, and every minute we are becoming more and more thirsty," said Denis. Still Gozo insisted on lying down, and Denis and Percy had to agree to his doing so.

These are the chief types of megalithic monument, but there are others which, though clearly belonging to the same class of structure, show special forms and are more complicated. They are in many cases developments of one or more of the simple types, and will be treated specially in their proper places. Such monuments are the nuraghi of Sardinia and the 'temples' of Malta and Gozo.

Similar columns of stone have been found in the Phoenician temple, called that of the Giants, in Gozo, one of which is still standing in its place. While certain stones were thus regarded as the abode of deity, the high places whereon so many of them stood also received religious worship.