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According to one account, she was by no means the masculine and cruel being whom Scott has so powerfully described; yet, from several traits, it is obvious that she was one of the most determined of her sex, and that her natural boldness of spirit was exaggerated by an insult which was never forgiven, either by herself or by her husband.

"O not that I know of at all," said Rossitur; "but you know there is a great deal of feeling still among the English about it they have never forgiven us heartily for whipping them; and I know Carleton is related to the nobility and all that, you know; so I thought " "Ah well!" said the old gentleman, "we don't know much about nobility and such gimcracks in this country.

For example, when He would heal the paralytic, and, before He dealt with bodily disease, attended to spiritual weakness, and said, 'Thy sins be forgiven thee, ere He said, 'Take up thy bed and walk, there was a group of keen-eyed hunters after heresy sitting eagerly on the watch, who snatched at the words in a moment, and said, 'Who is this that forgiveth sins?

And told him, the riches he was possessed of were given him by that God of Mercy, who would not be pleased, if he, that had so much given, yea, and forgiven him too, should prove like the rich steward in the Gospel, "that took his fellow servant by the throat to make him pay the utmost farthing."

Maybright, she rushed off to find Polly. Polly was feeling intensely happy, playing with and fondling her sweet little baby sister, when Flower, pale and excited, rushed into the room. Nurse, who had not yet forgiven Flower, turned her back upon the young lady, and hummed audibly. Flower, however, was far too much absorbed to heed her. "Listen, Polly! you have got to come with me at once.

Anger had, indeed, given place to sorrow, and all were grave the next morning, as if each had something to be forgiven. Margaret, especially, felt guilty of the fears which, perhaps, had not been sufficiently combated in her days of health, and now were beyond control, and had occasioned so much pain.

One day, she looked in from the door of her room, in her white dressing-gown, and asked to be forgiven if she kept the lessons of the morning waiting for a little while. "Come in," said Amelius, "and tell me why." She hesitated. "You won't think me lazy, if you see me in my dressing-gown?" "Of course not! Your dressing-gown, my dear, is as good as any other gown.

Asking to be forgiven after slamming a door is like touching off a Rodman gun, and then calling out to the fort in front to 'look out' 'take care! 'do get out of the way. A first class slam is cumulative long after the noise has ceased the nerves go on slamming the valves of the heart flap to and from the tympanum roils a revelrie to all the shattered senses, the offender slammed at, at once subsides from rage to fear; the mental barometer falls and apprehension the requiescat is a don't know what is coming next.

The Prince of Prussia's death is no public misfortune: there was a jealousy and alienation between the King and him, which could never have been made up between the possessor of the crown and the next heir to it. He will make something of his nephew, 's'il est du bois don't on en fait'. He is young enough to forgive, and to be forgiven, the possession and the expectative, at least for some years.

And the fact that I have arranged to preach there will draw a still greater mixture and 'faster' quality, as I am, alas! a fashion in preachers. I pray you to come, or I shall think you have not forgiven me! Cardinal Bonpre folded the letter and put it aside with a curious feeling of compassion for the writer.