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Updated: September 10, 2024

I was stout and combated all their arguments, which assumed an angry tone. We came to no satisfactory conclusion in my house, and the discussion was adjourned to Lord John's. I found Lord John more amenable to reason; but the whole arrangement was on the point of being broken off. It was 1 o'clock.

It is not a hazarded assertion, it is a great truth, that, when once things are gone out of their ordinary course, it is by acts out of the ordinary course they can alone be reëstablished. Republican spirit can only be combated by a spirit of the same nature, of the same nature, but informed with another principle, and pointing to another end.

It was some satisfaction that Lance had given as good as he received. But he felt troubled and curious. And he was likely to remain so. Lance, he very well knew, would say precisely nothing. The girl, as if divining his thoughts, combated them with the delicately pointed weapons of her kind and prevailed. Again they wandered in the darkening garden and returned to find the Boston in full swing.

It is combated by selfishness, greed, ignorance, violence, but these forces have no spiritual cohesion among themselves, no inner unity; they are destined to fall before the advance of the higher spirit. Hand in hand with this advancing goodness goes advancing knowledge, growing sense of beauty, greater powers of happiness.

Uncle Tom laughed. "You needn't tell me you're not proud of it," he declared. "And I have given her," she continued, "a taste for dress." "I think, my dear," said her husband, "that there were others who contributed to that." "It was my own vanity. I should have combated the tendency in her," said Aunt Mary.

Luther, but only incidentally, remarked in this sermon, when speaking of the cup: 'I should be well pleased to see the Church decree in a General Council, that communion in both kinds should be given to the laity as to the priests. Even then he regarded as unfounded that idea of sacrifice at the mass which in his later writings he so strenuously denied and combated.

The poem is introduced with a very satirical epistle to the Whigs, in which the author says, 'I have one favour to desire you at parting, that when you think of answering this poem, you would employ the same pens against it, who have combated with so much success against Absalom and Achitophel, for then you may assure yourselves of a clear victory without the least reply.

But the young Zofingians are under no illusions, and they frankly denounce the faults of their own people. This scourge must be vigorously combated. How? But the Swiss are fast bound, willy-nilly, to the social system of other nations, "to the international system of economic imperialism, the most abominable of all the internationalisms."

Occasionally, as in the instance of the blocks, Raymond Mortimer combated them; once or twice he disobeyed them.

The next afternoon I was sent for by General Sir Henry Rawlinson, commanding the corps in our area. He had heard that I had seen the gas discharged the day before and wanted to know what the gas was, what the effect had been, how it could be combated and, in fact, all about it.

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