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And Meg offered her hand with a gesture both affectionate and timid. Ashamed of his momentary pique, Laurie squeezed the kind little hand, and said frankly, "I'm the one to be forgiven. I'm cross and have been out of sorts all day. I like to have you tell me my faults and be sisterly, so don't mind if I am grumpy sometimes. I thank you all the same." "May I come again?" asked Laurie.

Dolf took off his hat and entered the church. He hid himself behind a pillar and saw the silver-nailed coffin disappear beneath the black catafalque. "Lord God," he said, "may Thy will be done. Forgive him as I have forgiven him."

Poor old Peters was fairly sick over it. I suppose to this day he has never forgiven himself for that sportsmanlike instinct. "But nobody blamed him. The crowd took their medicine. Strictly speaking, I suppose it was foolish.

Poor old man! the schoolmaster went on in his thoughts, 'I hope my baby has met him, and put his tiny hand in the poor old shaking hand, and so led him across the borders into the shining land, and up to where Jesus sits, and said to the Lord: "Lord, forgive this old man, for he knew not what he did." And I trust the Lord has forgiven him.

When he was sure that they were out of earshot he asked: "You haven't forgiven me yet?" "You know the conditions," she replied banteringly. "You leave me no alternative to suicide," he protested. "That would be cheating," she said. "You must be drowned honestly, or it's no good." Then he made a foolish reply. He thought her humour forced and it annoyed him. Remember that he was exasperated.

Sidmouth, himself a man of the highest integrity, was a friend of St. Vincent, the late first lord of the admiralty, and had not forgiven Melville for his part in the expulsion of himself and St. Vincent from office. He had therefore both public and private grounds to incline him against Melville. On April 8, Samuel Whitbread moved a formal censure on Melville in the house of commons.

Paul says "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice, and be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Here then is our duty plainly pointed out.

Never again in the rest of his life did he take what did not belong to him, and he was never tired of telling his children and his friends of the goodness of the king who had forgiven him. Do you think it would have been better for the thief to have been punished? What lesson did the thief learn from what had happened to him?

An undisguised violence could be forgiven: but such a mockery of the understanding, such an abuse of religion, were, with men of penetration, objects of peculiar resentment. The parliament, conscious of their decay in popularity, seeing a formidable armed force advance upon them, were reduced to despair, and found all their resources much inferior to the present necessity.

He interested her, yes, in a way, for she no longer understood him. Five years are a long while; he was practically a new man; and she wondered if he had changed as much as she. Perhaps he hated her. Perhaps he had forgiven her. Perhaps she was indifferent to him. Perhaps his conventional politeness was the real man. Perhaps no real man existed underneath it.